Saturday 27 January 2018

hmmm...let me see....when did the first 'chucky movie' come out?...because that will give me some sort of an idea...of when, Norwegian intelligence really began to get a grip then end up ruling the roost...if not running british intelligence...and on crack, I might add....see previous notes upon all of that....I see - the threat was to emerge..."rear its ugly head" 'popular culture' circa 1988....go figure.

and now there's the 'cult of chucky' hideous....

let me see...if Theresa may (Norway's top agent, in this country - at present) is on her way out...which certain sources have led me to believe...despite clinging on tenaciously..."like a rat stuck in a drainpipe" replies MI5 ONLINE...then I would guess that it is highly likely that prince Charles will make his bid to ascend to the british throne before she gets chucked out...because afterwards - it will be that much harder - won't it?....ha ha ha....'may you live in interesting times' as the Chinese say.....oh and would somebody explain to me, what macron had meant by a toss-up between the Norway or Canada option but that the Norway option is now closed? that why you have interpreted the situation as more like a stuck-rat....rather than a rat fighting in a sack?....go figure.

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