Sunday 28 January 2018

...there's some pretty spooky terrain around these parts, isn't there?

oh look...there's the 'pink book'...see below:

now, let's have a look at (g)nome airport....,-165.44495,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOAZU8FfO8bnDm9V756XfAEf-xjdrzWDjlVGU45!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i3024!4m5!3m4!1s0x5731197c390574e3:0x2b5845dad641f2f8!8m2!3d64.5099344!4d-165.4435149

anyway, as far as I tower was to decide to use the following 'inspirational' code in 'emu' at
 the top of the tower....
along with her little helper CF....see below:

oh and Malcolm stredwick was 'in green tower' at the time...overseeing the proceedings...wait a minute - is that 'him' in the photo below?....go figure:
and now it all begins to make so much sense....emu had said of the following pic "bird on the wing"....see below:
additionally, she had pointed to the following and mentioned the night that judy Elliott and myself...had taken the piss out of the 'woodentops'....oh and remember the british princes and their 'bird-step' program (see previous notes upon that MY3 package)....go figure:

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