Wednesday 31 January 2018,10.4113998,3a,75y,289.7h,80.32t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPaNkNGiru4uZ2-vKLjrmUbgV0fJlK-kMp_VfE5!2e10!3e11!!7i8000!8i4000 do I explain the next bit?...well, those visages look rather 'grey' don't they?...but things are not as they appear - regarding what I want to talk about next, that short, we had found out something rather interesting about crack/heroin addicts - at BI....they were unable to focus - when presented with the colour 'yellow' for some, let me now ground this in practical terms....may's aides had tried to do a 'minority report' tampering with the cctv....however, in relation to the colour 'yellow' they used to overshoot the mark...and therefore it was quite obvious, that the cctv had been tampered with....let me give you a concrete example....I tend to walk around Clacton in a bright yellow fisherman's jacket....may's aides had been trying to 'grey out' my image 'here and there' pretend that I was no longer in Clacton, at a certain point in time (to then attempt to blame me for a crime that they had committed, elsewhere - I suppose or something like that)....however, they were not successful in doing fact, it was all laughable minute, I'd be on the cctv 'clear as day' - in yellow...and the would see this large, walking 'grey blur'...having overshot my outline on the cctv, as it were....ha ha ha...and so the next question it because their brains are not working properly, or is it to do with their poor vision...or perhaps a combination of the two?....go figure:

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