Tuesday, 2 January 2018

...and so overall?....the main problem with 'big pharm' is...well, the whole industry, to be honest....for example - so many departments in one company, competing for grants etc etc...so many, concerned with keeping their jobs and/or getting a higher salary....and so even when they realise that the drug that they are working on is 'crap' - if not highly dangerous...they continue on, anyway...and the drug then appears upon the market....and that is why there needs to be a whole re-think, of the situation....because until these drug companies are properly 'policed' by an independent and ethical body...or should one say 'regulated' which of course, they already are but because the in-sect cult has embedded itself within the state/authorities that control these 'regulating bodies' - no proper 'policing' of the situation, is done...and that is what has to happen...because then, and only then...will they be allowed to know anything at all, about how the human genome works...see previous notes upon what we had found out at green tower...regarding nazi research upon the human genome.....project paperclip and all of the rest of it...because only remoteviewers can 'see' what the ill cult's microscopes cannot....go figure.

...and yes, i was to add that 'crap' note, as a joke - MOD evans...having remembered how you had laughed so hard - at a certain 'preventative medicine' technique...which wasn't really funny, at all...because little colin and myself...didn't get ill, in china - at all...not once....and i was to visit twice....whereas the others all did...get ill, that is....even though they had been on doxcycline and the like...."nearly died" replies MI5 ONLINE...exactly...and they were all to say "I'd rather get (malaria, cholera etc ) rather than..."....go figure.



...and no, we hadn't swallowed the faeces of somebody who was proven to be immune, to certain diseases....it was the other way round....up the other orifice...and yes 'live bacteria' was important - rather than a pill/pessary/dried-yeast-type of number...oh and the BBC had an article up, some time ago - now...about the whole procedure...but i can't find it on google, as yet....on the other hand, i did find this telegraph article....go figure:

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