Wednesday, 24 January 2018

and what was to come up, this morning - then?...a word of advice, MI5 toby, regarding a supposed 'reynaud's disease' don't sell 'pizza' and you don't run a 'laundry service'....cryptic, eh?
...and what do i mean by the above?...well, that MI5 toby and myself, no longer cater for the 'idiot children' and 'spoilt bastards' of the ill cult, anymore.
...see previous notes upon toby running a 'laundry' service, for them all - in prague, 1994-6....and what kate wood and emu - had done to his fingers....a usual ill cult torture trick....icy cold water - followed by boiling water...your hands were then dipped into both, one after another...repeatedly...forcibly held, in there....until you 'tranced out' wonder, toby and i were to decide to 'train ourselves up' in that sort of thing...along the lines of 'do it as much as you can bear it - so when they do it to you, again - you won't trance out - you won't OBE....' - i can remember showing toby - what he looked like when he 'tranced out'....'do it like that'....chin tilted upwards, eyes wide-open and glazed....go figure.
anyway - nowadays, toby...i prefer to hang their 'dirty linen' out - upon a very public line...go figure.
oh and there's more...richard tomlinson had been behind the 'above'....he had hated toby and much so, that he had told CF...."they're not like us - they're not on the gravy train" justification for his torture and abuse of the pair of us, in prague....go figure.
let me see...spoilt bastards and 'idiot children'...reminds me of ingabot and my father....ruth stredwick and her father malcolm....because both daughters were to 'present' - in a very similar way, indeed.....e.g. hardly/barely articulate (even as adults)....although their daddies were to 'pay the earth' in order to try and pass them off as 'normal'...go figure.
....spoilt bastards and 'idiot children'....when i think back to prague 1994-6....and how martin pope had 'presented'...well, if i had closed my eyes, at the time and imagined who i was listening to...well, i could have been talking with 'ed gyde'....oh and even when my eyes were open...martin pope had such similar paralinguistic behaviours to ed gyde....despite being very different in appearance i.e. red/blonde curls and a very red/white face....which makes me begin to think...maybe there was an uber-desk,  behind both ed gyde and martin pope?...a 'personality impression'...go figure?
....anyway, guess who had stolen my briefcase, with my monthly czech salary in it - to then go gambling at a certain prague casino?....guess who...see previous notes.....and so martin pope is a bit scared of me, nowadays, MI5?...ha ha ha...i would imagine that he might be.....seeing as i have recently 'woken up' to so much....go figure.
....oh and regarding ruth and malcolm stredwick....i already know who had been behind 'that one'...inga...and so yes, ruth had been another ingabot..."they'll never guess" - inga had said about that 'situation'...another of her test-tube cuckoos then?....and you wonder why it didn't send malcolm's wife - mad?...the one that he deserted to run off with...well, according to mrs fishwick...."the lady in the pink fluffy jumper" ha ha ha...nota bene that 'fluffy' is ill cult code for 'bloody'....."michael and the pink fluffy handcuffs" replies BI ONLINE....ruth's defender and protector (as milk monitor) at all saints school primary....more laughter....michael and the pink fluffy handcuffs who knew all about radio - farage was to recruit him, early on....go figure.
...and a hop, skip and a jump to....."radio witches war against braindead sex dolls" replies MI5 ONLINE...well, it is unfortunate but that is what it now looks like, doesn't it? i won't go into the history of all of that, here...but put simply....the braindead sex dolls used to be put in to 'copybot' everything from those who were naturally talented, let us say...."but without much success"...well - that much, is true...i.e. they didn't manage to copy enough, let us say...but then when you've been born (if one can call it that) within a 'rockefeller' test-tube and without a soul, i might add, your options are then - rather limited, aren't they?...hence their hatred, envy and jealousy of those 'born free'...."you're born in chains and never going to get out of them" - yes, that's precisely 'it' - isn't it? way out of the slave-class...within recent, modern history....go figure.

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