Wednesday 27 January 2016


let me see...i now know what i was trying to dig up, this relation to quite a few things...firstly 'learning to swim'...i had been looking at that elementary step...the paddling with the hands, whilst floating upon your back in the sea....grandma clayton used to do fact, that was all she ever did...having never learned to swim....

now cross-reference 'paddling' with stenography....because that is what is on the ill cult computer system....CF was programmed with the the templars....and having 'caught' that frequency, this evening...having hacked the templars 'block' (the 'pleased to meet you' facade - see previous notes) was then to lead me to the EUROSTAR tunnel...a train had stopped, in the who had decided to 'go on holiday' then?...there was a block in the tunnel...

cctv....hidden radio frequencies...'eagle alter'...watching everything and then homing in on the 'paddling' frequency...coming from that train....

i was then to remember MI5 jon laughing about a certain series on CH4...something around new age therapies....BI had got jerry hall and a camera crew team to investigate various new age 'retreats'...jon had been laughing about 'stone therapy' which had apparently terrified her...the laying on of stones...and at the time i had no idea of what he was talking about....large pebbles placed upon the body...but now? some ill cult joke around the rolling stones, perhaps - or the rockefellers?

new age retreats...that took me back to the channel tunnel and eurostar (about a decade ago now)...and a certain meeting with that french-canadian amerindian psychic...she had taken my seat..i showed her my ticket and asked to see then tell me that she could only travel facing the direction in which the train was i then took her seat, opposite...and she began to chat about all sorts of things...having been a cathar in a previous life, for example....and having been 'buried alive' - which was why she was so nervous about traveling on eurostar....and i wonder now about her? a quasi-collie link there?...and perhaps a link to jerry hall, as well...a whole network...needless to say, french intelligence were 'watching the lot' in that carriage...'mr platypus'....the psychic was to pick his presence up within that carriage....see previous notes upon well as a hint of my eagle alter - which had been quickly followed by the image of a platypus...and oddly enough she didn't know the name of that 'creature' in english...and so i supplied it for platypus....'oh so he's here, is he? where?' i thought - briefly standing up, to have a look around the carriage etc etc...

the paddling, the stenography...and remoteviewing to find out what was going on...go figure.

this must be something around varro and his 'sky' program again, i suppose....oh and 'new age retreats' has caroline hughes as well as pat andrew...'written all over it'....

oh and there's more...i can remember depp turning up at that prague church at one point in time...he had wanted sylvia wood to do something for him upon the prague rothschild's computer system....and as a result...they had coded it out as CAMP GRENADA....a joke around 'new age retreats'? i wonder now....all i can remember so far is telling that french-canadian psychic about totnes...and then warning her about 'immersion tanks'...or rather..specifically about the one, there...people had had 'bad experiences'....she was to reply that she had done that therapy in canada, to no ill effect...i could almost 'hear' french intelligence around us, them, it sounded like 'torture'....brainwashing etc etc...which indeed it was...or rather it had totnes - see previous notes upon the 'flying potato' etc etc.

...and in relation to the 'laying on of stones'...sometimes, as most therapists know...therapy can bring up terrible memories....and it can take some time to work through them...but it is worth it in the end...go figure.


anyway, i was to try to topup MY3 account this evening...and forgot to put on 'inprivate browsing' which was to result in a very strange URL....which included the following:

home ticket = ST-5902584-figFxQSYji5IYca6bcAG

i then looked up the 'home ticket' code upon realise that it had been the BLACKSTONE clinic...the one that had been the most successful in digging up 'what had happened to her'...and at the had given her nightmares...go figure.

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