Wednesday 27 January 2016

angie bowie....this morning, i decided to have a look at those 'big brother' entries upon youtube....

...angie...the only person that david bowie had ever really trusted...i can remember him....years....decades ago now, probably....on the phone to angie...asking her if she would teach him how to swim...she snapped back that he already could do and then the line went dead....before he could explain etc you see how it goes? he was left laughing, holding the receiver away from his ear, at green tower..."that's a 'no'"...and upon reflection "i don't think i'll bother, then"...too many bodyguards around (in case of emergencies) - to bother, i suppose....and not enough people, in whom he could put his trust....

an odd one...'learning to swim' mother 'dropped me in at the deep end' of stowmarket pool, at a very young age - and quite learn how to swim 'fast' after that one....and tomlinson - what of his child alter - at about the same age?....holding him, with my arms outstretched under the sea water....until his child alter had 'learned the strokes'...and had enough confidence...which was to happen in almost 'no time at all' short, he had trusted me...i didn't let him down...(he then let me down, in the end...see previous notes).

...teaching a child alter how to swim, in the the easiest way to do it, i suppose...the salt water keeps the person, buoyant....unlike the water, in a swimming pool....the child alter, learns how to 'paddle' with their hands, in order to stay above to lie upon their back and 'just float'...and then the 'swimming strokes'...also 'how to go underwater' and 'open their eyes'...all sorts of order to conquer the fear of...well, not being able to do any of that and drowning, i suppose....once a programmer has triggered the adult 'front alter' into that very young alter which 'can't swim'....deadly.


...angie bowie...had she been twinned with david? i have no idea....but she had certainly helped him a great deal, early on...and then somehow they got torn it goes...when you are a very public but also private CCTV opera....see previous notes upon the british royals and their private cctv operas...

i then thought about gill and gill and i had been torn crack cocaine...along with gill identifying with laing - whilst off his head, upon that drug...both, in very young child alters...maniacal and homicidal..."we are the wicked witches" etc etc....the high church of 'blood, gold and money' cult...gill would have murdered me, with jade laing as his accomplice at that point, within his younger doubt about it, at all...despite the fact that we had been 'twinned together' since babyhood....go figure.

....and then i thought about sharon osborne, who had been a very good mother, in the main....and yet when 'off her head' on class A drugs...she had planned to kill her daughter - after her daughter had exposed her, to journalists - in relation to her role within the ill cult....and after coming to terms with the whole 'horror'...sharon had stopped taking those drugs and apologised to her daughter...who, in turn - was very good about it....knowledgeable about it all...having grown up in that culture of 'sex drugs and rock 'n' roll'...."as a background to the osborne family's life" replies BI ONLINE....and that is the point that i am coming to next....

you see, whilst never ever having had a public profile of any sort...and obviously no 'celebrity status' or any sort of 'media eye', trained upon me - as a performer...i had grown up, being filmed in british royal 'private cctv soap operas'....see previous notes upon the 'gyde family at home'....royal services had rigged up various hidden cameras 'wherever we had lived'....additionally see previous notes upon that prague DTO staffroom, another 'british royal private cctv soap opera' affair....perhaps, if we (the teaching and admin staff) had been savvy enough about it all, at the time...we might have contacted the BBC (see previous notes upon mark vizard - in relation to SARAH AND DUCK)....and asked if they would like to see our demo a 'reality tv' real-time soap opera...a bit ahead of our time - perhaps, circa 1994-6? but even so....those DTO cctv tapes used to be sent back to london, edited and then given to the royal family to watch, upon a weekly basis (a week's worth, condensed into half an hour of 'funnies') well as updates, regarding the 'takeover' of prague...see previous notes upon what the taschmanns used to get up relation to buying up cheap - 'des res properties' within the centre of prague....and the british royal family's weekly bulletin, on the takeover of prague....

in summary....the 'jokey BRITISH COUNCIL soap opera' followed by 'real news' in terms of 'what the british family now owned' in the centre of prague - courtesy of the taschmanns.

anyway, the above - is why i can somewhat relate to the osborne family...and in relation to their 'fly-on-the-wall' show, about their family life - and why?....

....because i can now understand the 'reasoning behind it'...along the lines of "we are already a 'private cctv soap opera' for the british royal family....and so why not get paid for it? it up to the general public...." - do you see how it goes?

"people who do not watch broadcast television - watch other things" replies BI ONLINE....indeed, they do....depends upon how wealthy you are, as to what you can afford....the british royals can afford 'quite a bit' can't they?

daldry was to say that he and his friends, never ever watched broadcast TV 'as it happened'....see previous notes upon the dangers of 'steamlining' anything, into your own home, that is a 'live broadcast'....stay on the safe side and only watch what has already been broadcast....what else can i say? i am not about to explain the 'technical side' of 'that one'....all i can do is to repeat 'the warning' - see relation to 'health and safety', no less.

what else? well i suppose that i have said it....almost all, here... - see above....apart from a quip from the CID so many years ago now - regarding the above - a discussion of sorts, around 'royal cctv operas' along with other mafias and different types of surveillance....and then one of the CID was to say:

"they have to pay us to watch you, nowadays"....oh how unamusing that quip, the time.

.....the CID had been 'watching me' in order to keep me safe....whilst investigating bobby's mob....but i was a little 'on my mettle' at the time....and was therefore to privately every 'surveillance team' that comes my way (bona fide or not - 'intelligence' or not - paramilitary....or the masons and 'robo-thugs' - courtesy of bobby clacton's lodge) doesn't matter 'who it is'.....because i will 'get them all'...courtesy of pentagon intelligence and other 'friends' in relation to 'cards up my sleeve'.....

you see, my entire childhood...the whole of my young life....had been one of extreme abuse (the paedophile cult at work)...extreme abuse and tragedy (my children, my babies lost to ill cult cannibals) whole young life - from start to finish....however, once i had entered middle-age...i was to decide that i was going to get out of the whole 'thing' and convert that life of 'tragedy-leads-to-suicide' into a 'comedy-act' of rise above it all...laugh about it all....and 'get' those who had done 'all of that' to me - and in no uncertain terms...upon this blog.

therefore, i will act the clown.... fart, burp my way through this time spent in the 'rabbit's hutch' (a belle court flat - 'warning bell programmed - and supposedly - 'caught' flat..along the lines of BELL(E) COURT/caught) ....prince william and prince harry's rabbit-in-a-hutch-on-cctv, during this 13th one ill cult game....and you (those listening in - those who are 'paid to do so')....will have to listen to it all....every time i come up with a 'new idea'...and when do i come up with them?

.....funny, isn't it? i seem to 'remember the most' whilst on the toilet.....ruminating about life etc etc.....daldry was to tell me that sometimes people found him 'asleep' in that state (after 'ruminating' but with certain 'mags' let us say) - or rather location, asleep on the toilet - with his head resting upon the wall....of course judy Finnegan wouldn't find 'that one' so odd....her spouse was to talk about her sleepwalking down corridors of hotels...etc etc....her erstwhile partner, was to expose that one, about her 'sleepwalking' on live should have seen her face....(okay judy, in short, he had been part of the 'coup' to run you)....

.....anyway, cctv surveillance teams 'might' take offence to that (in terms of what they have to sit through) - but it is not their job to do so, is it?" replies MI5 mean 'take offence' to anything that i do, whilst giving them what they hope are 'vital clues' in order to continue the ill cult..... ha ha ha....why am i privately laughing about it all?.....because it is my way of 'sh**ing in the face of those who had put me in the 'toilet position' of their NAZI castle - so many years ago - see previous notes....

....and yes, i am still angry...coldly angry. wouldn't you be?

"coldly, calculatedly angry" replies MI5 ONLINE....'ve got my number.

...'anger' doesn't really describe it though, as an emotion - does it? my children, my babies, my zygotes.....go figure.

...and from men that i had loved...really loved...decade after decade....along the lines of 'gill's no good'...let 's move on to farrell....'farrell's no good'.....let's move on to....and after that, i stopped - having realised what was going on.

...the killing joke....the GAF - courtesy of mcdonald and mark run by japanese intelligence...implemented by norwegian intelligence 'on the ground' within the british isles and since 'whenever'....oh and see previous notes upon grandma clayton and her 'neighbours'. "the nazi cult" replies MI5 ONLINE.

...venus = japanese nazi order.....have you worked out what the rest of the radio frequencies were, yet? relation to 'all of those planets'?

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