Saturday, 26 September 2015


let me scan for more information...i was in radio contact with the 'tiger'...via that equipment in the wardrobe...and we had to work out 'something' fast...and it was in relation to the way that gill used to behave....for example, my mother used to say that people with severe vertigo....a terrible phobia of heights...when forced to look over a precipice...would try to throw themselves off...because that would stop the 'agony' was the fear, that they couldn't stand...and would even kill themselves in order to stop too with gill in the face of danger...he was rather like....let me know those old war films...where the men are in the trenches...and then one goes mad...starts screaming like a banshee and runs over the top to be mowed down by machine gunfire? it...that is what we had quickly worked out - via radio communication....gill's 'banshee alter' had been this is something around sound warfare...something on his chip....a phantom memory of 'bagpipes'....something is coming back from early childhood programming....the ill were teaching us about 'ghosts'...and the 'scottish ghost'....michael richardson's gang were then asked "who can scream the loudest?"...gill could...but once he had started...he didn't seem able to was all rather unnerving...anyway, we were then shown the bagpipes....and allowed to 'have a go' on them...go figure as to what 'that' was all about....

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