Tuesday 29 September 2015


pics from today....

hmmm...we're been there before, haven't we, MI5 toby?....the 'pentagon stone' symbolism - the last time that this program had run (a few years ago now)......and "let's do a 360 degrees panorama" in terms of photos from standing upon that stone....yes, I remember now...another 'test' on the system....the ill within the UK had figured that I would not be able to do it - because they had no idea of what the prague Rothschild team had done - i.e. we had had all of our 'chips' removed - having transferred the knowledge to 'braincells'.....oh and that 'rice chip' thing....a 'sock' for the ill to run into - what else can I say? ....but that it worked....and at 'great cost' to myself....
....not that I was aware of it beforehand, until the very last minute (you have to understand this 'war in the heavens' to truly 'get' what was going on)....but anyway, as soon as that 'horror' began to happen, last night....I was keenly aware, of what was going on....you don't need to worry beforehand, you see - you just need to be prepared ('worrying' - wears you down, even more)....knowing that you had prepared everything beforehand and that 'whatever it is' sent against you - isn't going to work....see previous notes...."and will rebound upon the sender in deadly ways" replies MI5 ONLINE.

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