Sunday 27 September 2015

reminding me of Scottish shortbread....alternatively Scottish soda bread....(soda will be a 'blood' reference, within ill cult speak)....

alternatively something that grandma clayton used to make...and fill it with currants....the leftover pastry from 'whatever' she had been making, that day.....

what else? well 'fluffy' means 'bloody' in relation to S/M torture, in ill cult speak - go figure:
oh I remember what this is all about now...those two uber ill cult Scottish programmers....the ones that my father had thought were not as bad as the rest...they had programmed little colin 'on meths'...upon that beach...with the rocks...and the soda bread....(mixed with blood)....and something around 'how to make meths' a sodium compound used somewhere along the line, let me I really want to learn how to make this?
how strange...that US tv series BREAKING BAD...has really taken a hold - hasn't it? I mean to say - if you can buy a joke children's LEGO toy about the whole thing....well, what can I say? oh and yesterday I was to see a dvd of that Clacton library....but wasn't interested in borrowing mother however, was to talk to me about it on the phone...apparently RH's wife cielo had recommended that she watch it....
Oh I that where the SODA comes in....a SODA bottle?
let me see...remember the baroness 'tootsie' who used to be an MOD scientist (male)....she was to discover what the ill cult's 'shake n vac' number was all about....see previous is this the ill cult's new version of 'that one'?
secondly we have a PSEUDOEPHEDRINE reference....and off the top of my head....well we have PSEUD's corner in PRIVATE EYE....."the SAUDI family" replies MI5 mean pseud/saud?....what else? I would guess that they will use that greek myth around PERSEPHONE and her trip to the underworld....criminal underworld, that is....
oh and if I am right....scanning for more information on the FBI network...yes, I'm right....those two Scottish programmers were going to use the DOE image from that harry potter movie THE DEATHLY HALLOWS....
now rowling....the first rowling actress and not her replacement...had told reporters that the mother of the films....well that actress had been chosen to look rather like herself....the DOE reference, get it? the DOE and the DOUGH made from crystal meths...
and you wonder why the Scottish authorities are now cutting down the trees down around rowling's order to get a better view of what is really going on there....after the CID had managed to infiltrate and find out a bit, of what was going on...."off their heads" replies MI5 ONLINE.

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