Sunday, 27 September 2015


i was to watch SYRIANA first - see previous remember the following footage....sent to me by US intelligence with the forewarning "you'll need this" - and what was 'that one' all about?

it was all about JOHN SCARLETT -attempting to take the 'higher ground'...and yes he had given that 'syriana' film script to WARNER the hope of clearing his name? i guess so...but he certainly wasn't telling the truth about 'so many things'....and upon reflection - having just watched that film, again (yes i have seen it before but 'on the other side of the mirror').....scarlett appears to have been simply trying to 'get his own back'....and upon who had he been trying to get his own back, precisely?

.... upon the CAMERON, CLEGG, BLAIR outfit, that's who - you see, cameron and clegg had been working for MI6 before they 'changed career path' (a bit like obama) to then enter the world of politics, wholesale i.e. as 'serious candidates' for political power.....

let me recap.....those who had screwed scarlett in relation to the iraq dossier...."those on the payroll of the satanic oil cult" replies BI ONLINE....."zionist frequency program".

...and scarlett hadn't been 'involved' at that point - and that had been the main 'problem' hadn't it?

you see i can remember - mcdonald asking SC, in the CIA LAB..."why have they cut him (scarlett) out of the deal?"

do you see the 'implication' within the above....the CIA are 'old hound-dogs' at this sort of thing....scarlett had been a 'middleman' expecting a 'cut'.... the somewhat 'expected' answer from roz.....that scarlett had been asking for too much money and he was tiresome - always mucking things up.....

....and that was why...scarlett had been simply handed the dossier...shown his signature, at the bottom....and that was that....ha ha ha.

scarlett had 'gone mad' in the 60s - as far as i am concerned....see previous notes upon him demanding 'ill cult sacrifices' at a children's bonfire party, in blackheath....and when told that he couldn't sacrifice a child or an adult...scarlett was then to suggest: "what about one of their pets?"....a pet that the children, around at the time, loved....those at a bonfire party....because children love their pets don't they?

what am i getting at here?.....the horror of it all - because scarlett would then have been able to 'feed off' their horror (as well as their parents' horror) like a drug (a family pet destroyed) etc short, scarlett was an out-and-out S/M afficionado and 'torturer of children' in the 60s...and not trustworthy in any further decade, i might add.....despite how far he managed to get, in terms of royal patronage i.e. royal norwegian cuckoo patronage.....prince charles and princess anne....

what else can i say about the above?

that this is all about 'feeding'...

the ill 'feed' off 'feelgood class A drugs'....and upon their networks.....the ill are drug addicts....that is all they are - no matter how 'sophisticated' the drug or the way in which they can procure it.....

for example.....caroline hughes was to experience a 'sexual high' off extreme pain....physically and psychologically.....whilst being her quasi-chakrabhati mafia (taken up and put into the house of lords, by the british royals).....she had been taught to do so, by the use of a certain 'drug' - given to her, by her brother (of all people) do you see how it goes?.....

therefore whilst 'in with the bikers' - see previous notes....caroline was to go into a certain 'trance-state'...the bikers then broke her pelvis, with a bike chain....they all then 'fed' off of her 'ecstasy' within that old sack, that they had tied her up in....see previous notes.

i, was however standing some way back, from that biker's ring around the bonfire...unable to do anything....although i was to realise that what they were 'feeling'...which was something around feeding off the 'switch from extreme pain to ecstasy'..... retrospect, i can understand - why it wouldn't have been a good idea to 'do the same' to me....their whole network would have been 'transfixed' with pain and not pleasure.....i do not have that 'switch' - if you see what i mean....

more to the relation to the relation to 'waking up' from my OBE/NDE with a massive circle of dead bodies around me - and as an analogy regarding those bikers - see above....go figure. scarlett had been scared by 'that number'....he didn't want to lose more people....see previous notes upon 'you torture me and you all end up killing each other around me - and the last one standing, ends up committing suicide' control - that is what this is all about....go figure.



scarlett had told his minions...his TEMPLARS that i must never see a 'certain scene'....and what might that have been?

it is the 'last bit' of evil from voldemort....that is 'left to die'.....a tiny 'aborted child' a skull far bigger than its body.....

i was could they 'on film'??

and you might ask, how could they - do what? an image - that looked rather like 'little colin' in his incubator tank....and yes he was 'that red'...and yes, his head had been much larger than his body....and he had also had a drip in his arm....but it was not functioning properly (his mother, as a doctor - had told the medical staff not to keep him alive) the idea had been 'to starve him to death' because of his serious blood disorder....'not curable' at that point in time....


....the whole of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS is a templar event....i did not write the ending to that series of books....the templars had done....

if i had written it....let us say that 'healing' would have been paramount....

that healing would have been key to everything......and not 'war'......the whole of that 'HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS' video smacks of 'no humour' 'child-like playing' 'creative ability' is deathly....ending up in 'hogweed continues'.....the oil cult and their 'license to burn' burn children - into disassociation - into MKULTRA slaves.

...the fireballs....the WWII imagery, within that last film...hardly a believable to what had gone before?

.....and surely - nobody really wants to go to HOGWEEDS nowadays, do they?

...unless you want to be seriously burnt - by the ill oil cult....see previous notes.

so in short, the templars had lied...lied about everything....blamed it all on those with blood disorders and then decided to 'kill them off' within their fictional script....marr had been in charge of the 'collective writing' of it....see previous notes...

now the above didn't happen in real life...and they all know that it didn't....a cure for that sternum bone cancer was found....see previous notes....

...and the overall view? after watching both films....SYRIANA and THE DEATHLY HALLOWS?

well it runs like this....mark r and the taschmanns were to code out many file titles...under the following:

BANSHEE in the BEEHIVE....ghost in the beehive....with reference to that Spanish film 'the spirit of the beehive'....

...and many anagrams of both words in capitals were to result....whilst making up new 'puns'....the eldest taschmann was to stumble upon SEN then realise that they were being controlled by the Japanese military....

having remembered the above...I was to trace back to what I shall call the 'underside of the tape'...remember the goats and the trolls? for example a tiny baby in an incubator...suffering from a terrible blood disorder/cancer....and then the lies, lies and more many layers of deception and deceit piled on to hide 'that one' over the years....see previous notes....

likewise...I was to go back in time to see what scarlett had been all give a context to 'the script that he had given warner bros' see he had figured that warner bros would take revenge...but they did not...and why not? well look at the start of that last harry potter is such a joke....a UKRAINIAN dragon and a bank...."is that bankova street?" I laughed....where the warner family had met their then leave their vast organisation 'headless'....the company could now do as they pleased....they were no longer under the tyranny of that family...go figure.

Syriana....see you see how it goes?


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