Saturday, 26 September 2015

a new google illustration today:

I wonder now...the penguin on pingback....Chinese intelligence were to program gill with 'that one' because most of the time, he was 'too stupid to live' in relation to rushing into situations where he would either not survive...or in the case of that churchgate hotel....well if the ill had decided not to kill him - they would then have taken half of his brain out and inserted a large plug...go figure....oh and the orange balloon....well that satellite is no longer functional...I wonder now...about the rest of this 'coded out' illustration...because something is coming back around one of the frum holding up a light green 'whatever you call it' lamp....lava lamp....oh and I can remember now - a 'tiger' had put some radio equipment into a wardrobe...and that is why 'those on surveillance' can now remember a bit about what had happened, in that hotel...

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