Wednesday 1 April 2015

..and on Wednesday morning...the grey man's flat was to change its projection somewhat:

I was then to go for my usual walk around note that somebody had left a plastic milk container outside of belle court frontdoor...

...and that somebody had broken the leg off a plastic red children's chair....a chair that I had seen before now...had mr putin's 'red team' used it?...or had it been used by 'jarlsberg' before see the ill cult 'nazis' and 'communists' had made a pact together, early on....see previous notes....
 anyway, I was then to walk up ellis stop at the 'red roses' glass frontdoor house 'on the corner' of west see that the fence had been taken down in the backyard...I was then to remember McGowan telling me that nobody must ever know about his 'SUNKEN GARDEN' the back....
well all I can say to 'that one' is that somebody had figured that it was high time that all of 'that' was exposed...go figure...

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