Wednesday 29 April 2015


today was a bit of a nightmare...because I had met somebody rather like me...who was remembering her 'birthday' so many years ago now...see previous notes upon what the ill cult do upon birthdays...and so I suppose that this was an anniversary of 'that one' - around about the same time? "a bit earlier - forewarning" replies MI5 what had happened? how do I put this?

firstly I was to remember gill - in H house, totnes...jumped by col the sol and jade...he could remember the butter knife and anal rape....see previous notes upon what McDonald and mark r were to program in regarding LAST TANGO IN PARIS and the 'lurpack/loehr pack'....according to gill, col and jade had been singing "didn't we have a loeverly time, the day we went to BANGOR..." with the emphasis upon bang-or....or being a reference to d'or....the 'gold' of remoteviewers....gill would also remember 'the muttering and the buttering'...

in relation to the above...the woman in M&S could remember 'GEISHA' programming as a top-up to the above....and this morning I was to receive a CONSERVATIVE PARTY leaflet...with 'geisha' in iqbl upon it:

what else? heather kempson's ex-colleague let us say...was to set a memory aid with her MI5 friends...they were to sing a BEATLES song together..."I'm looking through you - you're not the same, I thought I knew you but you have don't look different..."

...and so what were they getting at? is this all about 'doubles' again?...the nightmare increases...for example - how many 'rimingtons' had there been? MOD evans was to count 5...of them.

...and it had been rimington - who had sent col the sol round to that CID man's house....apparently the police 'knew too much' at that point in time...and intelligence weren't happy, in general....for whatever reasons.

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