Monday, 27 April 2015

....the 'redline'....I will give no explanation for that one....and move into the 'next thing'...

see the post below and you will 'get' it....the BLACK LINE and the RED LINE....


'gold-dust'...plumbers are 'gold-dust' in the UK nowadays....

anyway, this morning, the CHP/T BROWN plumber topped up the boiler in my flat...and then asked me if anything else was wrong....I replied that there was....

"you see that vent?" i said, pointing to the top of the boiler...."i have heard pigeons..."....and at the time, we could hear them outside, warbling, billing and cooing away...

i was then to continue....

"i have heard pigeons warbling and banging around" whilst still pointing to that area above my then add "do you think that they might have got into that vent?"

he replied that there was a grid over the vent (outside) and that therefore they couldn't do so...and that maybe the birds were "on the pipes"....who were making a noise?

having not remembered 'what the outside of the building looked like, in detail'....i then replied that if the pigeons couldn't get in, (to the vent, because of a grid) - then it wasn't a problem....

the plumber then replied that....and he began to laugh as he said it...."you mean that you were worried about pigeons getting in...and he drew a 'loop' with his suggest "through the vent and into your boiler?"....he was making it look 'that way' - by his hand gestures -  as if the pigeons had just flown in through the vent and plopped into the boiler system....

i nodded. yes, that had been my worst fear.

he then assured me that this was not the case....because of the 'grid'....and that they had been attracted to it....i replied that i had already surmised 'that one' in relation to 'hot air' and cold nights...which was when i tended to hear the 'warbling and thumping around'' behind my boiler system 'on the other side of the wall'.

the plumber then asked me about all of the birds, in front of belle court/Jackson lodge building...and about being shat on, even before you opened the frontdoor of belle court....i was then to tell him about the 'ornamental owl' installed - which had worked upon the pigeons but not upon the white 'dove-like' birds....but since somebody had then removed the ornamental owl....well, all hell had broken loose....the pigeons as well as the 'white birds' had returned.....and "bird shit everywhere"....upon the pavement below belle court frontdoor.

anyway, having not had a 'good look' at the outside of belle court and the 'pipes'/vent' in relation to the boiler system of my flat.....i was to see the following and of course, the plumber was entirely right  - i.e. the photo at the top of this post, for details.

that is where i had heard the 'warbling' before...'on the pipes'....the banging around - as pigeons clumped together - and through each other off, upon that 'perch'....anyway, the sound had carried through the vent....

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