last night i had a look outside of my living room window as the fireworks began at midnight...fireworks are supposed to 'clear the air'...and according to the chinese...they are supposed to create good luck - fire crackers are often set off at the beginning of a new enterprise...clearing away the bad energy, demons, ghosts whatever it is...
however, yesterday at 'just past midnight' i was to see a satanic couple, at work...let me explain...i was to remember tomlinson having programmed the pair of them to do a 'satanic rite'....and so what did they do, last night - you might ask?
...the woman in question.....was to come out of the front door in a chiffon-type of dress...just like the dresses that dietrich wears in THE GARDEN OF ALLAH...as the fireworks lit up the sky behind her...her male partner was to take photographs...as if he were a fashion photographer, i suppose...which he might be for all i know....anyway, to anybody else - the whole scene wouldn't have seemed demonic...just a couple having a laugh...the woman, fooling around in fancy dress, on the eve of the new year and her partner taking pictures...what could be wrong, with that? "the dressing up box" replies MI5 ONLINE...really, what do you mean by that? " the DUB program"...
anyway, i can remember tomlinson's instructions to that couple...when asked what they were doing...because apparently they repeat the above scene, every time the program runs...they were told to adlib something around it being 'traditional'...and harmless...
...but it wasn't 'harmless' was it? see previous notes upon 'sun-king' programming in relation to THE GARDEN OF ALLAH....
additionally, the couple were told to hide a very bright light behind a white door...to then 'flash it' through the window by opening and closing the door....'the light of lucifer' etc etc....
unfortunately, they had finished taking photos by the time that I had got my camera out...but I can show you the 'location' of that photoshoot....
the photographs are really bad...considering the fact that I was shooting through a misty window with no tripod...but anyway, the location is to the right of belle court/Jackson court drive...'up the stairs' to that landing in front of a black flat front door....
wait a minute...what went wrong with the photo below...a b/w box, of sorts...reminds me of scarlett and his 'black box outlines' see previous notes....how odd though - it hasn't turned up in the other photos....

apart from that...travelodge...and a certain flat...."another demonic assembly" replies MI5 ONLINE
"a transmission between that flat and Travelodge"....well, yes I could see that...which is why I was to take an 'artistic impression' photo, of what was going on...by taking a shot, with the reflection of the 'white door' in my flat - reflected upon my living room window pane...
...I remember what this is all about now...those involved in that transmission process...are top MKULTRA programmers...a bit like 'always and forever man'...soul-trapping, basically...

...is this something around the SPIDERBITE team? i would guess that it is...anyway, i was to pass a 'della-type' and her partner as i was pushing my bike up the hill and away from the telecommunications tower...they had attempted to 'kill me off' with a computer script...before the new year....that had been their 'job'....go figure...what will happen to them and their network, now...'network curses' have a tendency to rebound....
what else? well after seeing the new year in...i wasn't sleepy...and so i decided to watch a cartoon on the BBC iplayer:
...to then laugh about that 'della's pod' joke poster on lolcats....of course...the opening titles are all about an evil alien craft, aren't they? della and her partner were 'heavy metal satanists'...and the evil alien in this movie - runs 'clones' and 'heavy metal robots' which clank around, destroying cities and bridges...go figure...
...as far as i know...'monsters vs aliens' is all about 'those of us' classified as 'monstrous' in relation to our 'special gifts' after MKULTRA ill cult torture programming...there is a telling line in the movie...something around how we are called up to 'save the world' to then be thrown back into the trashcan, later on...well that happened to quite a few of us, didn't it?...see previous notes....