Sunday, 10 February 2013
the last image upon a NAOMI CAMPBELL search is rather like that of BAGLEY 'on the FO MOSSAD toilet'....
oh i 'get it' now....
michelle obama and the WYSS/ROBINSON conflation....
NAOMI and 'DR WHO' on the toilet......
naomi campbell's real surname had been MENDOZA...the powers that be...were to change it....
she had been a zygote slave, like myself when young - but because she was so beautiful and nobody would ever shun her, as she 'walked into a room'.....she could 'blow people out' and 'walk on'.....walk out of ill cult slave traps.....knowing that her beauty would 'carry her on' to other situations....better ones, hopefully....rather like 'what gill was to do as a teenager'....this beautiful face....poetic eyes....the pain and the misery in those brown-eyes and the 'what the fuck are you up to?' voice.....if you dared to interfere....
i, on the other hand - was consigned to a fate of misery and for almost 40 years....'not beautiful' and on the 'plain register'.....with comments upon a daily basis of 'sneers and leers' around 'the demonic'....
for example.....from the time that i started my a 12 year old and dressed like a terms of 'it keeps you warm -said my mum' in solihull town centre.....i would get builders shouting down to me from construction scaffolding - something along the lines of 'all right love - come out with me and i'll give you a good time'....with a denigrating sneer to their voice....a 'chat-up line' that i was to hear for the next 30 years of my life....
so at around 40 years old....once that whole horror of 'wankers on the street calling out to me in aggressive and sexually demeaning ways'.....had stopped...i paused to think - why? Then i remembered - i had been taken off the ZYGOTE LIST....and those netoworks of 'apes' were no longer to bother me.
However the 'abuse' was to stop 'overnight'...after what the PRINCE OF MONACO had told me....i was so HAPPY...i no longer had to put up with 'that abuse' every day......
articles were written in the national press at that point in time....mourning a woman's loss of fertility and how men no longer find them attractive on the street.....
what am i saying here?
the ill at their worst.....
what is funny is that i retained my fertility and my sanity from the whole horror.....
so what if the whole 'zygote trade network of men' do not intimidate and harass me upon the street' what?
i am still fertile but quietly so....and i am 'my own woman'. Yes i am too old - at nearing 50 to 'start a family' but who would even think of it - after what i have been put through?
if i were to get pregnant now and manage to have a child 'at home' as dibbens had managed to do with his wife - circa totnes late 1980s...he was to say to me 'my children were all born at home - natural births'.....
well you know what the ROYAL ill would do....even if i managed to find a husband....get pregnant...have a baby...and 'at home' know what they would do, don't you?
they are that 'sick in the head'....they would do 'what they normally do'....
and i cannot 'go there in my head' as to what they would do to me....because i have seen what they have done to 'others like me'....
if you disobey the BRITISH ROYAL MONARCHY in the UK - you end up 'like me'....
and this was an important note, according to DABYDEEN...the 'plain amongst the beautiful women'...suffered in a 'different way'.....
when i turned 40....the prince of monaco decreed (with caroline present) that i was no longer on the ZYGOTE LIST slave trade and the implication was that i should be 'happy and thankful to him for that one'....i wasn't.
i was a representative of the CIA LAB and 'courteously demanded' that this type of SLAVERY and ILL CULT ABORTIONIST DEMONIC TRADE was stopped immediately....
I pleaded with him....that he and his mafia should think up 'different ways' of doing their research....the implication was 'otherwise we take you out'.
being used and abused by the male 'zygote trade network':
for example UNCLE MICHAEL in 1980 'late summer' spotting me in a long indian skirt and large 'cover-all' tee-shirt, talking to sophie fishwick (she was lesbian at the time - and dressed in a male way) at about midday upon a sunny day in the centre of IPSWCH - i had spotted uncle michael walking down the street and waved to him 'that's my uncle!" i said happily to SOPHIE FISHWICK.....
my uncle then started to sneer and mock me....'what are you doing standing on a street corner, dressed like that?' he looked 'sick in the head'...he acted 'sick in the head'....and to my horror - i realised that this was his 'normal behaviour'....
anyway,....i had no idea what he was talking about.....and he kept repeating it, whilst leering at me -'what are you doing, standing at a street corner - what do you think people are going to think?'
...even though i was almost entirely 'covered up'....arms and legs - wearing FLAT SHOES...i was no 'prostitute' and so i didn't 'get it'....
nor did i get the fact that i was standing on the corner of an extremely busy small town street....with people and cars all over the place...hardly a location for 'prostitutes'....
'you're standing on a street corner' i had no idea what he was talking about....'you know, what i mean' UNCLE MICHAEL tried to prompt me....i had no idea what he was talking about....."you're one of those, aren't you?" he that point sophie drew me swiftly away from him.....saying 'he's bad news'....i had no idea what she meant by that either...protesting as she dragged me away from that evil and stupid man - that he had been inferring that i was a 'prostitute'....the whole thing was too crazy for me....and so afterwards, i laughed and laughed...sophie on the other hand, was not laughing....she tried to talk some sense into me - 'men like that are no good - evil'....."but he's only my uncle michael - he's just the family idiot - everybody knows that' i was to reply....
naomi campell and gill...they had met in a BI office at one point....
i can see how 'bizarrely enough' and i have an image of the two of them meeting in a BI office....that it was a 'recognition' of sorts....of 'what it was all about' growing up as a beautiful had 'no self-doubts' because you knew that wherever you went....people would 'pick up on your beauty' the ill cult had tried to trap you, make you feel 'bad' in the last 'move on'...your beauty will always be a protection....and you can remain a rebel to the ill and their satanic cause....
but eventually as you get older...the 'bubble' of beauty has to burst....and the ill were lurking around like the worst vampires out....for slaves who had been 'rabbits' and talked about their cult...MONROE had tried to 'raise an army against them' get get grey are still on the 'ill cult sexual slavery market' are stressed out of your mind, put mildly....
so what do you do about it?
go grey-haired....that appears to be 'nonsense' but frequency values are all about picking up chemicals....
i am explaining this all badly....i am simply talking about the BRAVE NEW WORLD frequency program in operation...if you want to go 'undercover' a few grey hairs....MCDONALD had known it all along and never dyed his hair, once it had begun to go grey....
and MALCOLM aka SANDRA BARR had begun to 'talk about that sort of stuff' early on and with HULBRUSCH backing him....suffice to say, whilst dying my hair BLONDE at that point in time....i figured that it didn't do me any harm....'hairdyes' that is.....but the two of them were so against it - plus so many other chemicals used in 'toiletries'....that i was to wonder 'what they were getting at'....
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