Thursday 28 February 2013


the next memory that was to come back...was 'just before memory dump' as far as i know....and the last time that i was to 'see GILL' before he was taken away and i was dumped back into my manningtree flat circa 2004.....

after our 'penniless beggars with no roof over our heads' business - upon clacton beach.....the way that the ROYALS had been threatening - during rehearsals - to do to the pair of us (because we had asked for the money that they had stolen from us - to be returned -notably the HARRY POTTER money)...

i was to go through that ill cult stage in their sick game - the one where i was homeless for 'at night' in DEDHAM....but i managed to circumvent that one, on the networks.....sonia fisher and mark vizard also 'went through that one' and for so long on london streets that sonia couldn't remember, whilst recounting it to me - but afterwards - they both went 'straight back into british intelligence' be drugged up to the eyeballs etc....

well 'louise' from my dartington course....or somebody like her....had created a mural design....which 'went up' recently......on a wall 'just above' where that 'dustbin in a hidden room under the promenade' was located......she was to tell gill and myself that it was 'us' - that she had painted.....he rejected that one entirely....the two people depicted were 'nothing like' himself or me....neither of us had that type of 'facial look'....i wondered about.....well, what louise was getting at....gill then told me 'i wonder what she is up to'....louise cunningham from dartington college of arts....

the cluny desk also wondered....

the niro desk appeared to have answers....along 'sophie loren' slave....had louise cunningham been 'one of those'?

HOARE and DALTON had congratulated themselves 'at dartington ' and in the print office.....once 'little louise' was covered in black paint splodges.....all over her hands and face.......we all wondered how she had managed to get the splodges all over her face, arms....anywhere that was uncovered......

DALTON had screamed with laughter......"she's RAQUEL WELCH".....and that is what they dubbed her, from that point on...because she had 'those eyes'.....that reminded them of RAQUEL WELCH in 'cavewoman mode'......louise was amused by them but not that amused....eventually the 'continuing gag' got to much for her and she was to ask them to stop it.....they wouldn' 'creased them up' every time they made it - as 'controllers of the print group'....

'she's raquel welsh - cavewoman'  - it wasn't funny to anybody apart from HOARE and DALTON but they repeatedly told 'their joke' to all and sundry....

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