Wednesday 27 February 2013

"in short, by seeing the real world rather than 'my beautiful world' i had entered a long process of 'seeing things as they really are' and by doing so - began to dig up every programmed memory - according to 'sight/sense/touch/sound/feeling' - that was possible to dig up...

you see all of the above are used within MKULTRA programming and not just 'images'.....and millefeuille was my PROUST 'value' if you gill used to say...your PROUST value i.e. your madeleine mini-cake.....

GILL's was around LANES.....

remember LARUE and the


chemin / petit roue / ruelle /voie / file /coloir


anyway, i can remember now.....robert de niro being spotted with gill by his 'oldest acquaintances'.....those who had worked with him, in hollywood - a long time ago.....they were to say....and he was to react to 'that one' with astonishment.....'he looks like your son'.....

he had no idea.....they pursued 'that one'....'remember when we looked just like that....when you were young'.....he was then to protest that he wasn't that old....he hadn't had extra-marital relations (he hadn't done, says mcdonald) and during his youthful years as a MKULTRA slave and an up and coming star in HOLLYWOOD - he hadn't been 'used' to impregnate zygote how could any of it - have happened? the age match....he figured that it 'wasn't right'....gill 'his son'....he was more like a young uncle than a 'father figure'....and that was wrong, too - wasn't it? if he had been an uncle - he would have been the 'very young brother' of the father of gill....DE NIRO was then to 'leave it at that'....his mind was digging for things that he couldn't 'get at'....and his old friend was far as he could see 'gill looked like a close young relative and 'splitting image'....

a lab test was then done....and proved conclusively that gill was in fact 'his son'....a son that he had never heard of and didn't even know existed.....'alarm bells went off all over the place'....until the whole thing was placed into context.....the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT.

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