Thursday 28 February 2013

As usual, quite a bit more was to come back this morning....and it went like this:

carla at the mansion at a computer 'desk'...telling cluny to 'get going'....we raced off into the centre of paris to find a tourism/travel shop....upon entering i took the first seat to the shop front window and sat down...

i had 'A level standard french' at that point in time...which means that i must have been in an adult alter - not my 'french-speaking child alter' in short, i could make myself understood but in very broken french...carla was 'online' to tell me to do the best accent that i could....

the accent that had confused the two IPSWICH COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION french teachers - teaching french as a foreign language... i was attending both A and O level classes but didn't want to take any exams...i already had O level anyway...they were to remark that my accent was more 'french' than 'an english person trying to imitate the french accent'...and that had bemused them...

until one lesson, i was given a 'test' of sorts...and i 'knew it' and so i was very wary... the A level teacher had held up one of my pens and asked in french - whose it was....nobody answered...either yes or no....he then realised that none of them had been taught how to say 'it is mine/it isn't mine' in french.....i surveyed the scene...wondered if i should reclaim it....and then decided to do so...'it's mine'....the teacher then asked the class if they knew the grammar for it's mine/yours/his/hers etc and nobody he immediately taught us the grammar for it....whilst telling us that his young children...well that is the first thing that children learn to say...whilst fighting over their toys "it's mine - no it's not, it's isn't's mine" etc "it's not belongs to both of you" states the harrassed parent...

and that is what i had eventually said in french 'it's mine' then walk around the large table - we used to sit around the large reclaim my see, it was a 'test' and somewhere in my brain i had realised it...either that or amadeus was behind it all and i suspect that he was....

anyway, back to that paris street...and that travelagents....i was to ask for a travelcard....carla's desk was guiding me....she wanted us both to make a memorable 'scene'...that the assistants in the shop, would i kept changing my mind...a travelcard for 'everything' ....all of the transport....for a day, no, a, a month....and then cluny walked up behind me and stated clearly in french in a paternal fashion that i was his daughter....

well i turned around angrily and stated firmly that i was NOT his daughter....we were THE SAME which he grinned and laughed, backing off a little....

now to a french caroline hughes was to smacked of an illicit affair....

cluny then showed his hands...specifically all of his fingers to the assistant....well to all of the assistants in the shop - who were all 'looking' at that point in time....

you see - as my father had once said....married french and swiss-french men...indeed continental men - tend to wear their large gold wedding rings 'all the time'...unlike father has always worn his 'every day of his life' as far as i can remember....

cluny had no wedding ring on...he was assuring them that this was not an 'illicit relationship'....but he did have CARLA's LIGHT BLUE engagement ring upon the little finger of his RIGHT HAND....and the assistants were all to remember 'that one'....

yes carla had handed it to him quickly before we made our 'swift exit'....

and she appeared to be staging a 'french comedy' within that shop....

to 'up the stakes' to buckaroo level...knowing that he had the attention of the entire shop....cluny then told all and sundry that he was in fact THE REAL GEORGE CLOONEY....which led to all of the assistants 'in a line at their desks' chattering amongst themselves, amongst peals of laughter....'he speaks remarkably good french - how could it be so?' were amongst the asides...hiding behind their paperwork - fanning themselves with the papers upon their was quite a hot summer's day in paris...out on the street....

"star quality" responds BI ONLINE...well yes, it certainly worked in that shop....he had them all in the palm of his hand...

cluny then told the assembly...or rather he told me that we would come back later - once we had decided which travelcard to buy...and then....we were 'out on the street again' to be picked up by KAMINSKY's mob - who had caught up with us....they were to say something along the lines of "okay, okay - but you're not allowed to go into shops anymore....go and do what you've been told to do"....and this was something around 'tracking and tracing around paris' for kaminsky's gang....but to find out what...i am unclear.....we had started out 'early' in order to leave a massive 'memory aid'....

which 'worked' as far as i know....

you see - this morning i have had the images back of MCDONALD's desk....he was sitting there, with a phone in one hand....and videos on his computer....he had been sent 'illegal videos' from paris....what were they all about?

how does one explain this simply?


well 'it was a bit like that' in paris....the assistants had all decided that the grey-bearded man in their shop...really had been george was a narrow margin but on the whole, they had tipped to the side of 'it was most probably him'....

and one woman had a 'contact within the paris police'....who was involved with cctv....and they had then obtained the cctv of 'that day in paris' ascertain that it had almost definitely been george point of fact, they were all sure...without a doubt and a bootleg of police cctv was then made....and discreetly distributed amongst the 'clooney fan base' in know 'how women are' around george clooney....

so MCDONALD had a real problem upon his hands at that point in time....and boy, did he know it....

you see...he and MARK R had 'woken up' to remember their carefully laid trail...which 'nobody else was supposed to know about' that they could 'wake up fast' after MEMORY DUMP and deal with the 'situation' accordingly....

the trail that would lead them to the ELLEN SHOW and 'that guy caught in mcdonald's trap' outside of the real george clooney's 'studio lot' apartment...the guy that they had 'converted' via plastic surgery to become their 'CLOONEY DOUBLE' then pass him off as such, in hollywood....

and now these bootlegged police cctv tape videos - were threatening to bring that whole 'house of cards' down....freely circulated around FRANCE and 'as you probably know'....the French are rather a difficult target, for the CIA to infiltrate, contain and control....

"and don't they know it?"replies BI ONLINE laughing...clearly they are finding this whole 'waking up business' a real laugh....they had all undergone 'memory dump' too.

and there is more....

i can remember evans having a look at the cctv of 'what happened next' that day in paris.....kaminsky's mob were to tell cluny and i....that if we wanted to go further....because paris is a large capital city....we could 'hire a car'.....a europcar or something like tourists...they then arranged for one - at the shop......

in short, they had bought the story, of the RACONTEUR.....(which is what i had called cluny in the shop - in mock derision)....and that we needed travel passes to 'get around' to all of the venues that we wanted to scan/study....and so they had decided that cluny would be allowed to drive a car 'at a safe pace because we will be following you, behind'....

(i saw a EUROPCAR - GREEN writing/logo upon a white car - on beach road today - reminded me of that green/white house in interlaken and realised - but i cannot remember how or why - that italian intelligence was helping us all)

evans was to laugh at the cctv of 'that one' - see above.....

we managed to lose them at some point....turn down a side street....cluny wasn't used to driving in paris.....but i was very used to driving in NY....and the 'holliday desk' was something that i had remembered...CHARTRES with sarah holliday who had mastered the 'ringroad' around paris, like nobody else circa 1990.....i was astounded at her agility to jump lanes whilst going at 'top speed'....when the only opening was little more than the length of her own was it possible?

well if you have 'that type of sight' in relation to your microchip and an understanding of past/present/ 'make the jump' knowing that your timing is entirely accurate and that no harm will come to you...that is all i can say....

evans was to laugh as cluny and i 'changed seats'...i took over the driving and then drove that car, like a rally driver - out of paris...and in the direction of then meet up with the HOLLIDAY family at an 'unknown location' and after 'that one' - the memories 'go blank'.

i would guess that paris police cctv had 'all of that on it' fact i know that it did...until just out of paris....there, the police cctv was handled 'by another branch' and so the clooney fan club were unable to trace where he was taken to next....

or am i under-estimating them?

it looks likely - doesn't it?

in 1980....rimington and scarlett were both to say...and repeatedly...that women made much better spies than men.

and i have just had 'flashes' back of NINI and her friends....yes she was a member of the fanclub but perhaps a bit more than that....tracking and tracing the 'holliday residence' to which i had driven cluny.....

a clooney fanclub or.....what.....french intelligence....or paramilitary intelligence involved with clara's desk....i am unsure at the time....

all i know - is that ROBERT DE NIRO's desk was to say that they would 'sort it all out'....

after NINI and her female friends had tracked 'the car that i was driving'....after i had taken a turning, out of paris towards chartres but not gone 'that far' that HOLLIDAY residence. i can remember them turning up there....'we've got them' NINI was to say....


i can now remember the prague rothschild's 'brilliant scheme' put to the relation to 'those like winnie and gill'....start them up young on radio control desks.....until they are really good at it....tell them that they are mafia 'PAs' and 'MAs'......the pas and the mas.....

and after a long period.....let us say from the time that gill was born in the 60s....the royals then let 'your local police force' know about 'mind control' at an elementary level....and introduce them to 'microchipped slave networks' - again at an elementary level.....when all of the MAFIA DESKS are so advanced 'it is untrue'.....

the idea being?

a massive imbalance....

those who had been groomed to be 'mafia mas and pas' had been groomed to be such, early on.....the 60s or even before that.....and the UK police were only told 'recently' as a general body (they now train up their newest recruits within that subject area) - about mind control and radio frequency 'people-controller equipment'...which means that they are now severely behind the times....

well the first 'horror' that struck me forcibly was this:

the UK POLICE would have absolutely no alternative but to use RADIO MICROCHIPPED SLAVE DESKS and to use them to counteract 'criminal gangs/mafias' short, the ill cult technology would be 'here to stay' and an almost continual 'battlefield' would commence....'AGE OF EMPIRES' time and 'robot wars'....or should i say 'cyborg wars'....

as i can also see...the point is....that the uk police would be 'fighting a losing battle' to the point that many of them -  would then 'give up' and join 'the mafias that they were fighting' - which would loosen their 'ties' as an organisation.....if they were still 'in the force' as it were....which many of them are...and i have 'outed' bullygirl for 'being that type of blackleg in the force'....

the upshot of all of it?

the UK police would degenerate into a 'body controlled by local mafias' as well as those from abroad....

and the desired outcome?

'total anarchy in the UK'

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