Wednesday 27 February 2013

bear with me here...i am tracking and tracing 'hippo' in relation to zygote slavery programming....

first up - last night i was to remember a 'grotto' light greenish ray...present in the goldish/cream coloured interior of the remoteviewing chapel within the holy sepulchre...that had been opus dei's clue yesterday....

i remembered being with the 'crazy company' in the holy sepulchre...we were all told to lie on the stone bed...for some of the men - they had to hunch their legs up - because the stone bed is rather 'short'....

what happened after that?

well i am linking it up to a desk - high up within the surrounding church and a 'light green ray' which was used to harm - during MKULTRA programming....

you see - i had remembered what had happened at the paris school....on that medical couch in the 'medical room'....

little georges wouldn't disassociate upon being spanked ferociously upon his they had to dislocate his limbs many that point - i was disassociating easily - having had my back broken when 'really young'....

anyway, the point here is that i can remember the colour of handkerchief held up was of a dull light green colour for the 'dislocation'...and then a sort of lilac colour was held up after the relocation to signify 'healing'....the dislocations were all around the arms, arm sockets, elbows, wrists and finger 'torture'...

additionally i can remember that the white and blue of the zionist flag was also used in relation to the lower half of the body....the white was associated with 'cattleprod up the anus'....and then 'sky blue' to recover....

additionally red was held up after having been were shown red - and then 'black-out'...unconsciousness....and then after they had resuscitated you and restarted your were shown  yellow...a sort of goldish yellow handkerchief....

so in short, the desk at the holy sepulchre hadn't been used to had been used to remind us all of 'dislocation'....after that....well every time i saw 'yellow ffyfe bananas' at the local supermarket in manningtree circa 2005...i was to get HIP joint pain....until i remembered 'what it was all about'...and then it was 'mind over matter' order to 'break the link'...but thinking about it now...that lilac colour might have done - just as well....

i then remembered ed as a baby...hung by that so-called jesuit in our st austell road garden....he was then resuscitated under the LILAC flowers/buds....the programmer knew that colour was the 'one' to program in after such a horrific event....

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