Thursday 28 February 2013

COLE SMITHEY that was his name -wasn't it?

time to revisit 'that one' then.....

SMITHEY was talking about relation to GIFTAID....

i can remember hulbrusch saying 'it's quite easy to work out in overview'....

so you have this (ear)RING passed around which always returns to its master....a mafia ring then....

imagine getting a 'gift' of an ill cult mafia ring?

a bit like pass the parcel...until it is DUEL TIME....

'pass the parcel'...i can remember zecchin had never heard of this british children's party game....the children pass it quickly around the circle...and every time the music stops....the child holding the parcel, is allowed to take one wrapper off...the parcel has about 8 layers or more....and then the music starts up the wrappers come off and the children get more and more excited...they tend to hold onto the parcel for as long as they can -  or pass it on fast, in the hope that it will get around the circle quickly and back to them again...depending upon when they think the music will stop....because the child to take off the last wrapper....gets the present inside.

i remember...the ill were to attempt to program him with 'pass the parcel' but he was too 'out of it' at the time to realise what was going that hotel room.

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