Tuesday, 26 February 2013

i can remember dabydeen saying 'you'll get it by the images'....yes i can now see what you had coded out as a memory aid...you knew that collette's jesuit spanish nunnery masonic order had used that very flag...the emblem upon the sails....the same one as in 1492....within their initiation rites.

and that centuries later - child remote-viewers had been programmed as 'explorers/discoverers' of 'new worlds'....by IBM as an MI6 'front'....

see previous notes upon IBM's mission statement around exploring: EMPIRES OF THE MIND

'discoveris' that were in reality to 'feed' the ROYAL GENOME PROJECT because we weren't really exploring 'outer space' were we?

this was predominantly all about furthering the criminal activities relating to ill cult medical research....and the nazi eugenics project.

note the 'blue planet'...i suppose that was planet earth...and meant to be 'the remoteviewer in question'....the blue child on the medical table....having OBEd through torture...headphones, injection or simply dislocation of limbs - a broken back...whatever had been used....

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