Tuesday, 26 February 2013

franco had laughingly called himself the EGOIST in 1993 after showing me a 'perfume for men'...and then more seriously...he was to claim that he was 'the egoist'...the difference between egotism and egoism - i asked...but he appeared to think that the signification was more than that....

so publisher of THE LOVE SONG OF ALFRED J PRUFROCK then?



secondly, i wondered about the italian verse which begins the poem...i had heard it before...of course i had....studied it at A level but there was more....colette had quoted dante....had she quoted that verse? she had certainly talked about a group.....ODO...OTO...which one was it...my mind has become confused by MARK R's A-Z run...he had set up so many of those cults....OZO....OXO....etc...

ODO....i am sure she had said ODO...let me see...


this is something to do with GILL and the MAURI desk...i am sure of that....

this is something around the prince of monaco's jesuits...that island with the LOYOLA stone upon it....a white stone - similar to the one that the eldest taschmann had used to signify 'mickey mouse' and subsequent programming 'in that church' by obama....a stone commonly used as a 'milestone' in historical illustrations....

and colette had known something about ABBOT ODO....and i am currently unclear as to whether mcdonald changed things a bit (this wiki entry about SAINT MAURUS for example)....you see, for example...i am quite sure that the publication date of ALFRED J PRUFOCK was changed...i can remember mark r saying 'put it a bit later'....so not 1917 but an earlier time...possibly the year of the creation of the FEDERAL RESERVE for example?

'the women come and go talking of michelangelo' is coded - it actually refers to a bunch of men in a room discussing something 'rather different' as far as i can remember....'money matters' and 'big business'...

the image that comes to mind is the hand of G-d reaching down to Adam...those who would be 'gods'...the use of remoteviewers by 'big business' basically...

i am sure that colette thought of abbot odo as a 'good man'...that is all i can remember, so  far...


well whatever the case - i think that is a distraction - it is not important whether or not odo was a 'good man'...what is important - is that i can now remember that the so-called jesuit order upon that 'loyola white stone' island....those like the british princes and scarlett - who were to turn up there...well they were all baby-eating satanists....and they called themselves the CONGREGATION OF ST MAUR

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