Wednesday 1 April 2015

yesterday i was to realise that i had slightly sprained my wrist 'doing something'...and i know what...propping myself up in bed by the palm of that hand - whilst reading...and also using that wrist to lift up my whole body, from a seated position on the floor, or in the bath etc etc...anyway, it now twinges and 'gives way' if i put any weight upon it...

...and so i won't be climbing down a rope ladder any time soon, in order to escape a fire this building....not that i've got one - or a rope for that matter...having decided to leave the matter in CHP's hands....see previous notes.

...and that reminds me - they haven't replied as yet...CHP have yet to reply to my email about that damaged DRY RISER (which is still damaged) and 'health and safety' in relation to fire regulations etc etc....not that i mind...because unlike the ROYAL MAIL online, NPOWER online (see previous notes) or (that centre for disability claims online)...CHP do try to address the question - and tend to be very helpful, upon whatever points you have raised...and so 'give them time' eh? at least i am bound to get a sensible answer, out of them - at some point...even if it might take some time due to the 'high volume of calls/emails' etc etc....


today, i was to head off to clacton prom take a couple of photos of one of those BELL then the sun hit the metal...that the 'bell in question' was now reminding me of a guillotine....i then remembered DAVID MILIBAND programming with A TALE OF TWO CITIES (naturally, david miliband had been programmed with 'helping the royals and aristocracy to escape')....and so it is an odd number - that DAVID MILIBAND had then been put in charge of:

 'guillotine' programming in relation to 'madame defarge and her knitting'....although as far as i know...this is all about 'mrs walsh' or should one say 'mr walsh-in-drag' with his radio equipment encased in a vacuum cleaner - see previous notes upon my mother's first 'cleaner' in the 2 st austell road.

anyway, as an 11 year 1H 'english language class' at langley seniors - had been set the 'easy version' of A TALE OF TWO CITIES to read, as father had been appalled "you will read the original version"...and so i then laugh at the character of 'madame defarge'...i was then to tell my father "that's me!"....knitting the names of the beheaded french aristocracy, into her the heads rolled into the basket - after the 'guillotine chop'....go figure....i suppose some children are a bit 'bloodthirsty' in their way....see previous notes upon 'bluebeard' programming, 'when we were young'...anyway, i was also to note that upon remembering 'the whole thing' around A TALE OF TWO CITIES....that 'heather kempson' was to come to being an excellent 'madame defarge' in some ill cult re-enactment of that novel....almost 'the definitive article' in terms of staging that particular scene, within that novel....

i do not suppose that admitting to an 'identification' with 'madame defarge' would 'make friends', with those like david cameron and his ilk - do you?...or any of the 'new aristocracy' - who have joined the old - within the house of lords....and i suppose that gill must have told me 'at some point', to keep 'that one' under my hat....but you know me, gill....i could never keep much quiet, could I? you are what you are....etc etc....and as an 11 year old, i had identified with 'that number'...not that i was to do anything about it...i didn't join any radical groups...i didn't have any radical ideas about creating a republican country out of the UK....but there you go....

....i suppose that you can say that my basic 'understanding' and feeling about british society was that the so-called 'guardians of society' as eliza manningham-buller was to put it,  (warwick university campus 2007) about 'her class of people' - had to go....eliza manningham-buller had admitted herself...that the POLL TAX would be exacted 'in other ways' i.e. that the ill would do it in even more underhand ways....and that "they are very clever about it" i.e. if the british public did not agree to being 'milked' in this underhand way....and eliza manningham-buller had been talking about the british royals and their 'class of people'...."a bit higher than the manningham-buller family" replies MI5 ONLINE....oh i she had thought of herself as another 'buffer zone' - a bit like the middle-classes?..well that gives me food for thought....

you see - so little is known about the upperclasses and their 'rivalry' in terms of 'kind hearts and coronets' definitive book has been written about this elite power far as i know (something that i was to talk about to david dabydeen - 1991, see previous notes)...and yet these people are directly or indirectly responsible for everything that is either rebuffed or allowed....or held up for an unconscionable amount of relation to the procedures of both the house of commons/house of lords, in tandem....e.g. MPs can get various matters 'up for debate' in the house of commons...but whether that debate 'goes anywhere' at all (and in relation to where that particular 'party political' MP wants that debate to go) is up to the 'upperclasses' in the end....and normally, most items - if and when they are 'passed' - have been modified 'out of recognition' in relation to what the middle or working class voting population had asked their MP to 'get' for them, in the first place.

...and 'modified' in what way? go look at all of the examples...modified in a way to allow the 'we don't work we steal' class, to make even more money....along with a 'lipservice' attempt to keep the masses 'happy'.

you might almost despair - mightn't you?.......particularly when a 'conservative' (with shades of republicanism, perhaps) - like ms daley, on the sunday telegraph...(watch that 'foreign correspondent' BBC iplayer 'dateline london' tv programme)....where ms daley tells the viewer, that it is quite clear that nobody trusts any of the MPs in this country, at all - any more..........(particularly a 'man who doesn't need to work' because he is so wealthy i.e. david cameron "one of the we don't work we steal classes" replies MI5 ONLINE - yes, he had come from that class, hadn't he?).....and that is why UK politics now has an 'unpredictability' that it has never had before....

examples are given upon the programme....such as UKIP....welsh and scottish nationalist/union parties....and a general theme of 'fragmentation' due to 'lack of confidence' in all of the MPs elected to parliament, at this point in time....

i don't have access to my own self-styled MORI poll...or any sort of 'guess-what-british citizens-are-thinking-in-relation-to-UK-politics' poll, at this point in time....but i sense that daley knows what is going on and has put her finger on it...and yes, i haven't watched tv for so long.....that the UK media, might have been saying 'what the foreign correspondent' were saying', upon that programme....and for some time, now.

the fragmentation of grassroots british interesting number...meaning what?

that people are no longer interested in voting for their favourite MKULTRA puppet...on 'the muppet show' according to andrew marr...sorry, let us call him 'michael richardson' (in case of libel suits etc).....michael - who used to say 'that' - about all of his guests, in relation to his sunday 'talk political show' on the BBC. short, the british electorate want something 'better' than a mkultra BRITISH MONARCHY puppet to vote for....and so who is going to 'fill the gap'?

...from what daley is saying...she sees the situation as unpredictable and very threatening....but it isn't necessarily threatening is it? at least we do not have 'anarchy upon the streets' and a guillotine in trafalgar square - do we?..... the so-called 'threat' appears to be coming from 'grassroots level' politics....and that is not really a 'threat' is it? it is simply the very beginnings of 'real democracy' in action....and it should be allowed to continue....let us see what will come of it....

"a wake-up call to those really in power - the fat cats" replies MI5 ONLINE.

...and to summarise...i have obviously never 'made friends' with the 'we don't work we steal club' by identifying with 'madame guillotine' upon my mkultra records - and from the age of 11 years old....go figure.

i am now in a 13th one ill cult game 'predicament'....and yes, that 'aeroplane crash' over the alps...was to remind me of that nightmarish plane journey - from TEL AVIV to LONDON, 2007...with quite a few of MI5 on board too, i might add....see previous notes upon the pilot being given a 'stand-up' round of applause, from the entire passenger list, within that aircraft - after touchdown 'upon one wheel' or that is 'what it had felt like'...and after the plane had managed to stop on the runway, with nobody harmed.

"and unfortunately 'madame defarge' had been responsible for that one - heather kempson working for prince philip" replies MI5 you see how it goes?

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