Thursday 5 March 2015

so what did this morning, bring up then?

well firstly the 'anticipated win' by 'col the sol' and dervla....over MW's gang....

and an interesting oddity along the lines of:

"you KNEW that i was the mercator..." - from my camera 'transmitter'...

well, farrell...i had only just remembered, you calling yourself that...."in a BI LAB but one is forgetful sometimes, no?" replies GILL ONLINE.

the mer-cat-or?

the 'murky' or mer-key....perhaps?

grub 'e'....murk 'e'....'whizzy' many more nicknames?

and so what would 'grubby' and his wife, obtain - from winning this round? "they'd have to kill you off first - in order to win the 'right' to have their own child...their own baby" replies MI5 ONLINE.

is that right?

"she miscarried"

i see...and she would continue to 'miscarry' until they 'got it right' in relation to 'silence and secrecy' within the ill cult, as well as 'unquestioning obedience' - is that it?

"the sad fact is that both of them agreed to do it" replies GILL ONLINE.

they agreed to murder me for....for the reasons, given - above? just how cowardly are they?

"just the same as your brother RH" replies MI6 ONLINE...."but not quite as bad - given that by this point in time - they were being run by him".

i have just been relayed on, the footage....relating to RH, in a fury..."they are so much worse than me! money-grubbing, no morality, nothing....why not use them (for that)?"

so....if mr putin thinks that his decision to 'let col go' was a wise relation to 'all of that' - see previous notes upon bankova street...well it is now, emet - who has his 'hands full'....seems that way, at least - doesn't it?

mr putin was always a 'very good judge of character' - that is all i will say upon 'this one'.

"pass the parcel round" replies BI mean the 'irish nazi parcel'?

"whoever gets it...explodes"

well that is not nice...considering, the fact - that i was to find a small parcel upon my doorstep this morning and it didn't explode, when i opened it, i might add...

....luckily somebody had had the foresight - to have written upon the back 'what it contained'....i.e. my frankincense and rose 'face creams'.....delivered earlier than AMAZON had said that they would be....before 9am upon the 5th of march?

....come on...the postman never gets to belle court before 11am...and yet today...somebody had left a small parcel by my frontdoor and nobody had rung the doorbell to ask me to sign for it....

...which means that somebody was 'cutting costs' by delivering it personally....the 'postoffice stamp' is upon a very old and used 'envelope' - with lots of sellotape upon the envelope, to stick the flap down....i didn't mind at all...i am simply grateful that i got those two items 'immediately'....and without any bother.

...and yes, mcdonald i was reminded of green tower - as i opened the package to see those 'polystyrene chips'.....for example, 'MI6 chibbie being anthraxed' by the mob running green tower at that point in time - chibbie had been addicted to the 'white powder' you see - and naturally she had figured that the anthrax was.....etc etc....see previous notes...anyway, i figured that the likelyhood of 'that one' happening to me, at this point in time - was "near to zero" replies BI ONLINE....i'm not going anywhere any 'white powder'...


...and now for the 'silly stuff' relation to this 13th one ill cult game where 'everything is symbolic....'col the sol and dervla'...had chosen to represent themselves as canned 'pacific pink salmon' from sainsburys....whilst MW and HR had decided to represent themselves as 'canadian red salmon' from M&S....go figure....

the salmon? go relation to those hans christian andersen fairystories of the salmon lashing at the gates of the ill...but never quite able to 'get inside'....

'col the sol' was to intone something around "salomon"....meaning 'solomon'?

well, as 'mer-cat-or' the 'sal - o - mon'...i would say that you are in tricky waters....although i have no idea of his taschmann 'in-tent' at the short, the taschmanns were all very good at cloaking their manoeuvres....

all i know is that type of 'pink salmon' - of that tinned variety - sometimes contains a lot of eggs...white/pink - flesh/eggs....i am not fond of it - never have been...i have never liked 'fish eggs'....even putin was to laugh about that one...the only 'fish eggs' that i could eat....and why? because they were black and so the eggs didn't look like the 'inside of a human body'....remember the polemic 'we are all the same, under our colour of our skin'.....we are all red/pink/white under the skin - your bones, muscle, fat etc....okay there are other organs that might be different colours, such as the brain....but in the main....well, go figure....zygote slavery and programming 'made me that way'...unable to eat pink fish eggs...


...and emet was to remind me that the taschmanns are run by the british royals, to protect their monarchy system....they had murdered my MI5/SOE grandfather, for example....scott mackay aka 'captain gyde' a NY hotel.


...the last edition of PRIVATE EYE talks about the british royals as 'being too mean' to contribute' to the doing up of buckingham palace...or of other royal residences...i.e. they cannot get the taxpayer, to cough up for repairs....

let me think about that 'royal services' have got them over a barrel, then - have they? 'royal services' had formerly told me that they had now got the 'british royal family' under control....

....and that 'short item' in PRIVATE EYE, talks about making buckingham palace into a tourist attraction...a museum.....and the same question also looms over sandringham etc....

in short, i have no idea whether or not the above is true...PRIVATE EYE is 'notorious' for 'not being quite accurate' or 'deadly accurate - behind the scenes' - either way - PRIVATE EYE is often fined 'huge amounts' in law courts...."because they have told the truth" replies BI ONLINE....yes, the 'legal system in england' - i know what that is all about, only too well...see previous notes upon 'stebbings' advice to me - in interview - at dartington.

anyway, if PRIVATE EYE is correct upon the above...and that 'royal services' have managed to 'get the british royals over a barrel'...forcing them to move out of buckingham palace...and then sandringham....and then....dare one guess it? balmoral....well the world will be a happier place....

e.g. lots more money from tourism, in public coffers - around the british isles....because of tourism, as well as your historians/academics etc, all wanting to see what the BRITISH EMPIRE and MONARCHY had been all about - see previous notes upon the chinese and their advice - once their 'forbidden city' had been opened to the general public...the 'shock value' in relation to all and sundry, entering that domain...was quite extensive, apparently...."you won't understand it - almost unbelievable"....

anyway, if that short item in PRIVATE EYE is true....well the british royal family are 'about to go' go?....well, as in 'live in other london residences' etc etc....unless they turn into 'romanovs'....

.....romanovs - with a deadly, poisonous hatred for this off to somewhere like canada, in order to plan their revenge, see previous notes....because they've still got enough money to do it...that is for this space....

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