Thursday 12 March 2015

OTHER NOTES: up...ALPHA AREA...I associate 'that one' with McDonald...but again, I have no real idea why, so far....

anyway, 'groyne construction' is still in this another pun around 'groin muscles'...see previous notes upon cathy's joke...

I had to remove a large chunk of 'white polystyrene eggs' from in front of the above (to put it into a nearby bin) 'go figure' what the MAF had been planning to do...because it was supposed to be 'their day' in Clacton, as far as I know...

...let me try to remember...the british army were to pun around 'tracks and tracking'...'the tracks of my tears' in relation to heroin abuse....and those at H house....see previous notes....

.....a reminder of EVERNOTE?
...and the MAF:
....and something around the GENTS toilet....

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