Saturday 21 March 2015


...this morning - something was bothering me about 'sherman' in relation to deb's boyfriend and husband-to-be and that 'first meeting' in a shirley disco, in the 80s...they didn't look similar, apart from having dark eyes and brown hair...but i had been, do i put it? not just 'tracking and tracing' sherman - as her boyfriend's network anchor...because i had felt like i had been talking to sherman, directly - at the you see how it goes? "being john malkovich time" replies BI ONLINE.

next up...i was to remember rose garrard helping me to construct my design for that 'archer shooting an arrow through a pineapple'...see previous notes...she was to ask me what it meant...and yes she knew the mind control signals to do so...anyway, having told her the truth - because my father had said that she was one of the rebel group...along the lines of 'we've got through but we haven't quite got there yet'....the window was a necessary part of the 'conceptual design'...the arrow stuck halfway through the window....sarah turner was to tell me that rose had "never been the same after her accident"...i was to learn the terrible details...more like 'dead on arrival' according to turner....nobody had thought that she would be resuscitated...."a miracle" turner winced, with a sour grin....anyway, i was then to tell my father...who replied predictably along the lines of 'she can't be trusted'....

getting back to that scene in the sculpture room...and garrard asking me what my sculpture design 'meant'...well, afterwards - she was to reply that she was standing back from it all...not judging....she simply wanted to assess how far 'each side' had, that hadn't been true at all - had it? my father was to say that she had been giving me a clue as to 'what they had done to her' at that hospital...."giving you a chance" replies MI5 ONLINE.

after remembering the above...i was then to think again about martin sherman....and then deb mcdonough...because garrard had asked me about my past...and who my best friend at school had been...she appeared to know who deborah mcdonough was...because she then referred to her as 'sindy doll'...and then mentioned the artist 'cindy sherman'....i was quietly angry and retorted something along the lines of "you mean barbie and ken?"...garrard ignored me....

so again, the connection between 'deb' and 'sherman' but in an entirely different context...another clue? add to the above...sherman was to change his fact as far as i can remember - there was a confusion about his short, he hadn't wanted to be remembered, at those that had known him at langley juniors...but afterwards...let me see - did he go to solihull public school? if so - he would have been in the year above gill....go figure.

gill was apparently the one, to make sure that 'deb was all right' in terms of a marriage any rate, he was to tell me that the jooish community had found somebody suitable and she had fallen for him....go figure, again....

next up...i began to think about sindy doll's partner...'paul' according to google...sindy and paul...i looked at the images...intriguing doll images....the 60s version looked almost like 'real children' and not miss-shapen and sexualised 'adult images'...i thought of 'tiny tears' the baby doll...and what toddy had laughed about 'little colin'..."press his stomach, he cries real tears"...

i then thought about my first meeting with the efl 'irish community' in warsaw, poland circa 1992....sonia fisher and mark vizard had introduced me to them, at a party - in the main british council building, in warsaw....'col the sol' had been with them...he began acting 'outrageously' within the group...baiting me, in a way...and then he asked me for a date...i refused...he asked why...i replied truthfully along the lines of "you frighten me and that isn't a good basis for a relationship"...the group all was one of those high-octane laughter evenings....he quickly replied that he hadn't asked me to marry him, had he? this was after 'all that had happened at dartington' and i couldn't remember a thing...but he clearly could do...and he was scaring me - putting me on the defensive.

later on...back at their block of flats...where we were all staying the night - and where i was then told that i would be sharing a room with 'col', who had two beds in his room - well, i refused, at first - to then be told that there was nowhere else...we returned to the living room....where i was to remember quite a bit more, later on...mainly because the evening was to end, with a 'tell a shaggy dog story event' around the circle of those came to my turn...sonia fisher said "oh tell them about that the jooish businessman that you met, the first night you arrived in poland" (see previous notes)...and i thought 'oh God'...and so replied 'without caring' and for laughs because they were all begging to hear 'that particular story' and sonia had really landed me in it......"you mean the one that i slept with...okay col, i'll sleep with you tonight - in your room, i mean..." he then replied "not in the corridor then?" which i replied "no, hanging from the chandelier for a change"...afterwards i was to hear him muttering furiously to sonia..."it's gill...that bastard, i know it...bogdan - is that what he calls himself nowadays? what a laugh..."

but it hadn't been gill, had it? a fact that i was to keep quiet about, at the you see how frightening it all was...because the ill kept on taking my memories away, with a stungun or 'signal'...time after time...and what could i do but attempt to 'laugh my way through it all'...? whilst trying to remember who the hell 'col' was...and that night i was to remember again - after he had come up behind me and given me a hug...i was to ask him "...did you break my heart?" to a reply, along the lines of "i cannot lie - but i'm more mature now..." etc etc...we then slept together...but the next morning and back at the british council for a lecture upon that efl diploma course...'no memories' again...of course.

anyway, having remembered 'the irish in warsaw' well as 'deb and sherman'...along with 'cindy and paul'...i was then to remember 'hulbrusch and malcolm's site'...the SANDRA BARR site - that they had originally created, together...and advised me to use those 'barbie doll images' in a post 'all about inga'....along the lines of "she'll be furious"...'nazi barbie doll' - the 'mansized barbie doll' etc etc...

so i had a look for it upon the net...because the url had been logged in 'favourites' upon my former laptop...which got hit by the 'jerusalem yellow' virus...and i had forgotten about it, since that time...

anyway, the site has an article about northern ireland...and i wonder now...about 'the EFL irish community in warsaw'...

'cindy and paul'? what context...I wonder...but there was a 'loose connection' somewhere...why else would it all be coming up now?


"Nairac (left), dressed for his undercover work. In Republican areas he used the Name Danny McErlaine. (His alter!)"
...the article plainly talks about mind control in relation to nairac..and it makes you wonder, doesn't it?
"nair hair removal cream" replies BI ONLINE.

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