Wednesday 4 March 2015


this evening, i was to remember a really nasty piece of work...a member of MW's gang...a violent closet homosexual called 'pete' - the unofficial leader of their gang, who used to 'rule the roost'...anyway, the whole gang used to meet up at the weekends in the 'george pub' in then go for a 'balti' down 'the curry mile' as they were to call it, in birmingham...

i was then to think about what had happened to MW and his friends...brought up in a 'gay rent boy' mkultra house in dorridge until rescued by social services (HR had had experience of that house too - taught to be an ill cult abortionist from an early age - see previous notes)...i began to wonder if MW's gang weren't 'all a bit like that'? having had  little or no chance of a normal upbringing during their formative years...anyway, pete - unlike the rest of them...hated women so much, that he couldn't be near them...he used to spew out hatred, if a woman even walked close by to him...HR used to give him a wide berth...she used to sit as far away from him as possible...'col the sol' tended to sit by him...remember what 'col the sol' used to do in ireland, in relation to 'line dancing'...well he was pete's boy, at that point in time...let me return to pete....pete's family (so he had been adopted later on? he was in his early twenties, at the time) wouldn't accept his homosexuality and so he had decided to pay them back by getting married...and then doing...well, how shall i describe it...i can remember pete bringing his fiancee to the pub....he ignored her for the whole evening...until his mates began to jeer at him for 'that one'...he then put his arm around her for about 3 seconds...they all exploded with laughter and he whipped it away again...laughing his head off...and what about her, poor soul? she didn't get the joke...pete had arranged with 'col the sol' to do the following - which they then did...'col the sol' was to seduce her and then persuade her to marry pete - they then got married...'col the sol' was then to get her pregnant...pete wouldn't touch her...rather like MW in relation to HR? anyway, she was then put through a satanic abortion, at 3 months...and according to pete 'lost it' and had to go back and live with her mother...

a similar situation to what i was put through with the GAF you might say...but at least i had known them since whenever...and could then 'bang their heads together'...which is basically what i was to do in totnes...having found out what this satanic cult was up the fact that both of them had been obsessed by me and from an early age...the whole remoteviewing number in relation to 'power upon the networks' etc etc...

what else? well let us bring this whole horrible saga up to date...MW had been a 'lodger' with a family in dorridge after being rescued from that mkultra house (they had not been his real family, as he used to claim)...the mother and her daughters (twins) were then to investigate...and that is why this is all coming out now, i suppose...they had known the woman, whom pete had married and how she had suffered... horrific as the above bathos replaces pathos....tragedy becomes comedy....MW was to tell HR that they were to use a certain PANTENE conditioner to represent their see they were all 'taschmann-affiliated' as a gang...the PAN god and the PANtene shampoo/conditioner range...

PANTENE YOUTH PROTECT 7...maybe it is ironic joke upon how social services had 'failed' to protect them from that mkultra cult - who knows?

anyway, MW was to say that nobody would ever be able to spot pete...apparently his appearance had changed so much...

well, this morning i was returning from the get to ellis road...just before i got to ellis road...a woman walked closeby...she reeked of PANTENE YOUTH PROTECT 7...i was aware that she was a drag queen...pete? who knows....

all i knew was that the scent was almost overpowering and not one that i particularly liked...reminded me a bit of that perfume POISON...also a 'favourite' at that point in many years ago now...when we were all in our twenties....

anyway, i was to buy some of the then try it this remember what that 'woman' had reeked of...i already knew that MW's gang had chosen that conditioner to represent themselves...which is why i had bought it...on special offer at SUPERDRUG...go figure...

what else can i say? yes HR had had a big crush on 'col the sol'...who appears to have been the only one to have had a relatively normal background...see previous notes upon his upbringing in blackheath....and so she was mollified...when MW told her that he would be leaving her for pete...what he didn't tell her...was that pete was now a woman - something around that number? I have no idea whether or not the woman who passed close by as I was about to cross ellis road...actually was pete....I sense an MI6 joke around that that they probably asked somebody to pose as a double...but on the other hand...well, you see how it goes?


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