Tuesday 24 March 2015


'little green men' MCDONALD...remember 'that one'? anyway, I can remember now...'Farrell the teddybear' and friends...at my parents' house...a doctor was also present..."dr carney" replies MI5 ONLINE....anyway, they were to rig up a blood pressure device and give it to my father....along the lines of "put it up ten..."

...so they had been 'out to scare me' the other day, with that reading? 149/73

let me see...whilst on peter bruff ward...so many years ago now...the above was 137...in the 'normal but high' range....

so yesterday...it was 139 which is approaching the 'danger zone' of 140 but not quite there yet....go figure...

this is all terrible to live through - see previous notes upon 'if I didn't have hypertension before the ill started to attack me, during this 13th one ill cult game - well what is the likelihood that I will go on to develop it'....whilst knowing that they have 'screwed' local health services....along with 'just about everywhere else' and so I am loath to ask for 'medical attention' or any sort of 'help' at all, really....do you see how it goes?

I mean to say...I could go along to the surgery and have a blood pressure test 'in good faith'...to then be given the 'wrong result' and the 'wrong pills' to match...and what would I know? do you see how it goes?

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