Wednesday 11 March 2015


an important note...that I have been unable to clarify so far...see previous notes upon my father telling me that it was the CROWN that had forbidden him to treat certain blood disorders...porphyria, for example...

now, I know that Amadeus...having been a polish director-general of the Jesuits, previously (whilst the polish pope was still in office)...something that McDonald and co were to 'out'...whilst at green tower....well he was 'to confer' let us say...the information - that it had been the Vatican, which had been to blame....and so what had he meant by 'that one'?

all I can think of, so far - and in relation to the above, is this.....that the English 'body of law'...still contains ancient and historic dictums or should I say 'dicta'?....because the history of that body of law, is one of 'organic growth' down the centuries i.e. it didn't begin with a 'bill of rights'...

additionally,  it has been found, to contain a number of almost obsolete laws - because nobody ever refers to them any more or brings attention to them, in court or within the media...laws and byelaws that are still in existence and enforceable...

....that is to say - if they were 'known about' - then somebody, somewhere......having come up against 'whatever it is' - would then campaign to have 'whatever it was' repealed...and this has happened, in UK recent history 'now and then' hasn't it? has also worked 'the other way'...if you have the time, to do the study, let us say...

I am now beginning to understand the term 'loophole' a bit better....US LAW doesn't have that 'liability' or 'asset' - whichever way you want to view it and in whatever much as UK LAW does...

now in relation to English history...and to that of the british isles, as a whole - as well....the 16th century was to change 'all things catholic' to protestant....what am I saying here?

....that certain laws/byelaws made before that time....were catholic rather than protestant....and what difference does that make?

I do not know...only that if certain laws/byelaws were not repealed in the british isles but were repealed, in other countries, historically - countries such as Italy, for means that the Vatican can be 'let off that one' in relation to the 'non-treatment of porphyria' etc....seeing as they were not in control of the BRITISH CROWN from the 16th century onwards....

I suppose that I would need a top-notch lawyer in 'medical law history' relating to the british order to 'work that one out'...

....because my father had appeared to be adamant that it was the british CROWN that had 'kept that one going'....i.e. 'no treatment of porphyria allowed by UK haematologists'.....and if he had meant the Vatican, surely he would have said it? it all gets a bit complicated...for example - was my father christened at notre dame, too - it looks likely, doesn't it? my father and I - have always been seen as the 'same type of person'....including 'medical stuff' such as low heart beat and blood father used to tell me that I was 'just like him'....well, according to my mother - he is something of a hypochondriac, who never gets anything 'longterm' i.e. he doesn't have to take pills, even at 89 years old....relatively healthy then? whereas my mother has to take 'quite a few'....I will get onto this subject later on...


the DICTA and the DICTUM....

oh no...I can remember Farrell laughing t o McDonald, whilst I was supposedly 'tranced out' on the floor - after having been threatened with defenestration 'off the sill' as a GIMPEL that shanghai building 2003....see previous notes:

"we dicked them....and we dicked Em...."

- nice person - 'col the sol', eh?

McDonald was to reply "I'm not so to make sure, eh?" he then took out a syringe...and dug it viciously into my arm...."now, I'm sure" he replied.

"so what were the irish Nazi party up to, this time?" replies MI5 ONLINE.

okay do you really mean that....or is it just a 'joke term' for the taschmanns making their 'bid for power' as a mafia mob?

the MAF eh? after the GAF....


"English law is a bit like the Talmud" replies MI5 ONLINE.

well 'talking off of the top of my head' I am inclined to agree with you....if 'non-treatment of certain blood disorders' is still 'the law'. a lot of things need to be reviewed then? but not by those like 'shami' eh? we do not want to go from the frying pan to the 'islam4uk' NWO fire....

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