Monday 2 March 2015

is that another 'Alistair cooke' reference? - see above...
...anyway, once you've really lost it...I suppose that this 'song' tends to appeal...see previous notes upon that particular recoding and encoding...gill had been programmed as a 'soup dragon' ...'free to do what I want, any old time'...because once you've seen the 'big picture' and gill had done, at an early age....and know if you talk about it - everybody will think that you're crazy...well what does any of it matter?
"it's a bit like BUCKAROO" I was to tell daldry at that british council party for the new ambassador in prague....because for my own part...that is the way that it feels...whilst throwing the whole lot off of my shoulders and talking about it all...'free' but not in a drugged up 'la la land' sort of way...

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