Tuesday 17 March 2015


what type of lizard was it again? because it looked more like an iguana, really.....iguanas are lizards but in the series, they were to describe it as a 'something lizard' in point of fact...


...and it certainly wasn't as scary as 'that' - see below:

oh I remember now....MI6 were to walk in 'just in time'...to see what garrard was up to...she was to tell them that it was all 'fun and games'...what usually went on...whatever she meant by 'that one'....MI6 then told her that she reminded them more of a lizard, than gill...MI6 JOHN was to say "it looks like more of an iguana" and so yes, they had the lizard there, at the time...in the kitchen, as well as gill...MI6 then decided to program garrard as a lizard...she was then promptly stun-gunned upon the back of the neck etc etc....
...and so to cut a long story short...if I am right upon the 'connection' today...between 'queenie the lizard' and the 'red queen'...you might find rose garrard down at the catholic church in Clacton, today...

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