Sunday 22 March 2015

another email from it was them, who had called anonymously yesterday?

what is their problem? and upon two accounts:

firstly why are they calling 'anonymously' - because that always looks 'dodgy'.

secondly, what do they not understand about my original complaint? surely it was explicit - I have given them the details of what had happened to my usage/data account page...and if I were to phone them up - I would only be wasting valuable time upon my orange network mobile account...

I mean to say...any fool can see that there is 'something wrong' with the above page...and naturally I do not want to 'top-up' until that is fixed. Talking to 'three' on my mobile - will not solve the above, will it?
wait a wasn't them....because the number given in the above email, has an extra zero in the middle....really - I was to listen to the message 3 times...just to make sure...."triple three, three, zero, five, zero, zero"...were her exact words upon the phone....she was to omit one 'zero'.
look at this:
 MY3 as my internet broadband network provider...should 'state who they are' when calling, shouldn't they? I mean to say...every time I get a new text from 'EE'...they state 'who they are'...see previous notes.

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