Saturday 5 October 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, let's dig down into the archives or not, as the case the time that rimington had led her 'green' team downstairs....into what 'peter' had described as an MI5 'crypt'? point of fact, just a basement room - underneath their main london part of our training, during that 1980 MI5 'russian' short, i can remember remote-viewing what had been inside of all of those rather small 'urns' (looked more like vases) - with name plaques underneath each - upon the shelves, i might add...anyway, rimington et al, had laughed about 'earning'/'urn-ing' it by being evil....whilst i was remote-viewing a load of 'dust' and microchips, within each vase....and you wonder where 'bibi's alma dolls had come from?....nothing comes out of a vacuum etc etc....go figure.

....secondly, we have emet's "the fulcrum and the full crumb"...relating to israel and the pentagon's 'endgame' i.e. a christian it out...oh and 'telefonica' doesn't come off any better than a jooish state, let us say...guess 'why' it goes eh?

anyway, back to what is happening, upon the ground - at present....regarding 'melanie' and her 'ghosting' through that ombudsman office - in relation to throwing a certain SD card into a wastepaper bin....because as it turns out - 'melanie' aka 'macron's sister' was then to wonder, later on - where her boss had disappeared well as all of her colleagues....can you guess, BI?...let me give you a clue....'melanie' still had a 'working brain' - whereas the rest of them, hadn't...and yet, regarding what she had done etc etc....and yes, she had given that stupid demonic 'laugh' upon cctv - having been found out etc etc.....and well, you know what i'm saying, regarding the rest and what will happen next....surely, by now?...and the tard response?....let me see....a reminder of melanie's so-called love affair with tomlinson, at high house harwich....laura's emails to melanie had been signed 'the ripper' etc oh my....didn't that turn out, badly - eh?...once melanie had found out that she had been duped....and that rimington had simply used her 'doll' tomlinson to impregnate her, so that the pair of them could 'eat' etc etc....melanie had turned 'murderous'....moore 'n' crompton had then had a look at rimington's corpse in the living room to opine that it was a pity to etc etc....but how would they be able to recycle etc etc?....and to date, we have the last known interview with rimington, on stage - regarding a certain video upon youtube....reminding me somewhat of the holliday ma.....her voice in particular, as well as her manner of speech....including what she talked about regarding her 'experience' and how she talked about it etc etc...including her dumpy 'face-off' job?...gallows humour eh but what's the betting etc etc....go figure.

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