Monday 14 October 2024

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?'re on 'cats' with a twist, perhaps....what about that umbrella/tail etc etc....let's have a look upon BBC weather maps....because my sixth sense is picking up on something like that although i have no idea 'why' as yet etc etc....go figure:

something around when the rat-catcher enters the picture?...all metaphorical, of course:

"the disturbing nature of cats" replies BI online...well, only if you don't like them - don't accept them for what they are etc's dogs that are the real problem in clacton - those that don't have a muzzle on but should do etc etc...cats don't attack you on the streets, do they - whereas i have seen so many dogs in public places, go for passersby and the owners don't seem to think that it's a problem etc etc:

i don't know what's on TV nowadays but in my day, we had barbara woodhouse teaching etc etc...perhaps it is time for a comeback?....go figure:

the james bond dog expert?....ah, brenda's reminder to talk about something that might or might not have happened....including a parallel - regarding what had happened upon london bridge - involving a narwhal tusk attack.....hmmmm...something around that MI6 crew having drugged up etc etc in that hall....thought that their drugging/reprogramming session had worked, to then find out etc etc.....and the parallel?...well, barbara had previously had something like that, short, she had been given a drugged up highly dangerous dog....all in the cause of even bigger TV ratings etc....which had then bitten her etc etc....and so i take it that we're on both cats and dogs, today?....go figure.

and then we're back to the holliday family and 'dog' training for people:

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