Wednesday 16 October 2024

.....oh and i'm not sure what's going on here, dazzlenation...but previous posts....go figure:,-9.3906554,3a,90y,337.8h,1t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipOPzIeNI62MOHqRkVsuEMal-47AhIe3m4AFpmLV!2e10!3e11!!7i5656!8i2828!4m9!3m8!1s0xd1edac0235d438d:0x74c0a6e0c1a71680!8m2!3d38.7976627!4d-9.3906554!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16zL20vMGdiYzZy?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

...however, we're certainly on 'la chasse', that much is clear:

with a reference to en-gag-ment rings, perhaps?

anyway, this is what you are calling 'the evil tomb of batibat' - any rate, that is what my sixth sense is picking up 'why' that should be, is another question:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, how come there is a shoe-change, here....why the water bottle between her legs....yes i know that everybody does that...but not for a photo etc etc....looks slightly obscene......oh and not forgetting the golden globe - not given for acting, one figure:

anyway, i now 'get' this and it is a george clooney thing - hence the supreme court short, he could remember a black female programmer....a rodway way type....hence the woman to the right, who is wearing a similar type of floral etc etc to what rodway used to wear, in terms of summer trousers/leggings....the same sort of floral pattern and colours....oh and 'batibat' is again, something around rodway - running her gang of gay prostitutes etc etc....go figure:,-9.3908596,3a,90y,81.4h,74.82t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM3r9pRLy2PjUD846QPfCHCqZRGOyIErr1DDGOb!2e10!3e11!!7i8704!8i4352!4m9!3m8!1s0xd1edac0235d438d:0x74c0a6e0c1a71680!8m2!3d38.7976627!4d-9.3906554!10e5!14m1!1BCgIgARICCAI!16zL20vMGdiYzZy?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTAxNC4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

come to think of it - she's reminding me of sylvia too, in that flowery dress with a summer hat on....all of those decades ago, now...oh and as stephanie shaw et al, had laughed..."she's drunk!"....woodall went to investigate, along with headmaster front of the whole school upon that playing field...seated around the racetrack for sports day....sylvia then told them that i had told her that she wasn't allowed to go and that was why she had turned up - with her baying bassethounds....and yes, i had read montgomery's letter to her - addressed to all parents and given to every child in the school, in the hope that etc etc.....woodall then blamed me for the whole lot....a bit like ramsay used to do....i hadn't 'managed' her properly....i was 10 years old, for heaven's sake but everybody had to handle sylvia with kid gloves....oh and after woodall had forced me to go and have a word with her...she then threw a punch at me...the whole school laughed as i managed to duck etc etc....oh and there's more....roll on the years, browne was to recount the whole thing to her high wycombe business school relation to just how easy it was to use and abuse me...she then encouraged them to join her in etc etc....hmmm...last but not least...i was aware that sylvia was brain-damaged (before whalley 'n' stenson were to confirm it) the back of my mind, at any rate....having ended up in A&E with a half-closed eye - at the age of 5...just after having been adopted by oscar 'n' sylvia....anyway, an MI5 operative was to then pick me up and lead me through the hospital....sylvia had been detained...."she has something wrong with her brain" he was to tell me...but apparently they would fix that and then everything should be all  right....and having been dropped off at 2 st austell road....i can remember oscar in tears, telling toddy that he had been forced into marrying her etc etc....frags and fraggles,....and i was supposed to manage sylvia...without support and help, i might add...and from the earliest of ages...she then proceeded to drive me 'mad' as browne was to laugh....munchausen's by proxy, anybody etc etc....and yes, MI5 evans et al - have finally found those lost files, after so long....remember rimington-as-archivist up to no good?....the whole lot had been it goes, eh?

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