Friday 4 October 2024

....and what's new upon the weather scene, dazzlenation?...well, the daily star has 'this' according to the kind of complements what you've got going on....i.e. that judy dance number - regarding what rodway 'n' williams had got up to, all of those years ago now.....1998, to be precise...additionally, those 'daughter' new comments sent to my blog - appear to have been all about ingabot and in relation to what she'd been up to on south quay footbridge, canary wharf...'on the steal' again, basically...i am so sick and tired of all of this etc etc....see previous posts.......go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the prague rothschild had left a note upon the timer system....regarding a certain event that i had luckily not been privy to, previously....thank brief, another one of rodway's programming sessions, conducted at 14 st bernards....which had included disconnecting the cooker, for no apparent reason - unless of course there had been a gas leak etc etc....anyway, the prague rothschild had then gate-crashed rodway's hector's house programming session - in which she had cast herself as 'kiki-the-french-frog', upon the garden wall....the prague rothschild had then re-framed it as 'tweedledum and tweedledee agreed to have a battle' etc etc...and upon the very same wall, i might add....rodway 'n' sylvia on the wall....oh and remember rodway had initially been programmed as 'jeremy fisher' etc etc....go figure:

anyway, you tell me what 'that' was all about, dazzlenation....because personally, i have no idea....except that in her winter coat and hat, rodway used to look a bit like tweedledee, upon the can't say the same about the coal scuttle number, in relation to sylvia etc etc...oh i see....BI online has the footage - just forwarded...of william's attempting to fit a coal scuttle over sylvia's head and failing....go figure:

additionally, what was the umbrella element in the story?.....i forget, now....let me see....and so the duo tried to protect themselves from the rain with an umbrella and having failed to do that...then had to agree to have a battle?

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