Sunday 13 October 2024

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember playing 'chopsticks' upon the black piano keys etc etc....oh and what about laura's pottery 'chopstick holder' etc etc....anyway, we're on what whalley had called 'when-two-frags-go-to-war' (remember her love of frankie-goes-to-hollywood) with a direct look at what rodway 'n' sylvia had been up custard, anybody?...and yes - rodway could remember that 'reform school' number, too....only too well, as it turned out...considering the fact that she had been behind the murder of stephanie cropper, whilst at all saints primary - "she's prettier than me" etc etc...framing up tim 'n' sim, for it - in the process...and yes, cropper had died in the arms of mills - having been taken back to talbot place, after that terrible event at lunchtime, upon the heath....cyanide, apparently...and so who had been the stephanie cropper mark II that i was to meet, much later on - roll on the years etc etc..aparently a ruse to comfort moore..."unsuccessfully" replies BI online...."he knew it wasn't her"...oh and the very same actress had also posed as jacob rothschild's daughter in his fictional documentary, regarding family 'n' inheritance etc etc..and so the question remains - what had sylvia done, then?...her brothers at that memorial - appear to be framing her up as a murderous bully....uncle bobby' recites a 'humourless' anecdote about her trying to kill him, whilst in his pram....whilst uncle michael talks about how she had utterly humiliated him at her oxford college, in public - as a young boy etc etc....and what else?...well, add to the mix - the prague rothschild laughing about rodway et al....the original 'garbage pail kids' who ended up down the sewers....whilst referring to a drain cover...a suitable epitaph etc etc?...something that sylvia had avoided - regarding russian intelligence....hmmm...perhaps her midwifery in prague - regarding putin 'n' mededev's wife had gained her etc etc....anyway, litvinsky was to talk about 'noise machines' as being 'explosive' let us say..."a russian bomb - the fallout"...yes something along those lines....anyway, we now have the following.....hashi makura (something that rodway had once had, in her handbag) opposed to hashi oki....'makka-da-money vs 'okey-dokey'?....go figure:' /image-photo/pair-japanese-chopsticks-on-chopstick-260nw-2240865855.jpg

and what else? nazi 'footstool' programming, anybody?

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