Friday 11 October 2024

 ....and what else is new, dazzlenation?...well, another 'tard' comment to my blog about trump - which i won't bother to post short, it was glorifying him - in relation to trump supposedly getting rid of the 'deep state' and stopping child far as i can see - trump simply says what his opinion pollsters tells him that 70% or more -in the USA, currently believe in....a litmus test, of sorts....and as i have rightly pointed out and upon quite a few it or not - this is true democracy.....the voters have the power and public opinion is what can pick holes in what the pollsters are up to etc etc but you cannot pick holes in his strategy because it is indubitably popular....and does it matter if he contradicts himself?...well, no - not if opinion polls, over time - do the same...he's just following their 'tilt' a sailor in a stormy sea....he'll go whichever the way, that the wind blows....for example, upon BBC radio 4, the other day - apparently they had heard a 'trump' reference to some central governmental body - a bit like the FBI, who are now controlling the weather, or something around 'that one' who is to say that trump and those that believe what-ever-it-is, are entirely wrong?...we all have our doubts, about those 'in control' - do we not?....and me, more than most - regarding my background in etc see, trump knows quite a bit about the 'other side of the mirror' and so therefore every concession, that he makes - regarding what others in the 'establishment' might call 'whistle-blowing' etc etc...needs to be examined carefully by those who have the ready information at hand, in order to assess etc etc....which obviously i have no access to and haven't had for decades....and so in relation to child-trafficking, trump appears to be in a 'power-play' with the elite....threatening to talk more about it - rather than to just blame it upon 'ethnic minorities' or the like....more laughter - simply because i'm glad that trump is a 'thorn-in-their-flesh'...and that is because he's threatening those elites, by implication - their whole way of life and so not just etc etc...."their whole system" replies BI online...which you are part of, it goes, eh?


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