Sunday 6 October 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday morning, 11.21am - dazzlenation?...well, gill had once laughingly joked about 'remember the icecream man?' short, 'big-bass-beat' tards - outside of my living room window, yet - short, blasting clacton with their 'the-drugs-are-here''s funny, isn't it - that 'tards' get away with it and so easily....gill used to hear the signal a mile off....drug-pushers-coming-into-town with their latest supply of etc etc...that boom-boom-boom bass upon the car stereo...oh and remember the tard upstairs?....used to blast the entire building out with etc obvious and yet, never made explicit...certainly not on the yet, none of it is really 'funny' is it - just noise-pollution/ tardy drug-pushing bullies on the make...and the fact, that it happens so often - i would guess that the police are frightened of them - either that or upon their payroll...anyway, regarding peace and quiet upon a sunday morning...wouldn't it be nice if church bells along with the islamic call to prayer were allowed to put their own tunes onto the airwaves?....and yet, in the UK - they are not allowed to do so....and guess 'what'?...all that is allowed, at present - are satanic tards - dealing drugs, with their big-beat-bass-drums....what a topsy-turvy world, eh?...godly music is not allowed in public/community areas - either on the streets or byways - only what toddy had called the satanism of the pop music industry etc etc...what a crazy country to live in, huh?...and that's what makes me laugh, this morning because what else can one do?...the incongruity of it all etc etc...and what else?....well, i miss my time in jerusalem - dazzlenation....almost 20 years ago, now....the islamic call to prayer etc dead-beat-bass-box-sound-systems allowed etc etc....not that it stopped the drugs problem - according to the local police but even so..."made it more difficult for them" replies BI online...anyway, the ringing of church bells, is lovely to hear, too....i very much miss it, within this country....what a breath of fresh air, upon the continent....not that i can afford to travel, anymore and haven't done since 2008 etc etc....anyway - when you do happen to hear it upon rare occasions (very rare, in this country) puts you into the spirit or should i say 'lifts your spirits'?....i.e. reminds you, that you are more than just a sum total of bodily parts....the aches and pains etc etc.....go figure:

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