Tuesday 8 October 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, remember inga - first of all....aka norwegian intelligence in poland.....early 90s....telling me that she knew why i used to buy that cheap polish sweet snack....sesame seeds in glucose....so high in zinc...apparently something that i had previously been lacking in - according to a blood test, as a teenager....in point of fact, she had then decided to include it in her diet, as a snack....anyway, roll on the decades - sharon et al from the mossad - were given two tablespoons of sesame seeds to eat, upon a daily basis - for health reasons...he was to complain that they got everywhere - when you cooked with them....you'd then find them in your drink etc etc...i suppose that some of the seeds are so light, that they then become airborne in a gust of wind...a bit like dirt or earth whilst re-potting/watering plants in your kitchen sink etc etc...anyway, this is all about rodway, actually - regarding your 'halloween horror' - dazzlenation....remember how one halloween - oscar had been picking me up from a 'brownie' meeting...to then see a group of children down the darkened street, dressed in costume...i decided to jump out at them, for a laugh and so hid behind a bin, to then etc etc....they started to scream and began too run but then quickly realised who it was, that had frightened them off....i can remember cathy bush yelling "it's emily Gyde - get her!"....all much bigger children than myself.....i ran back to oscar who was bemused....the 'cathy' in question had been of indian/asian descent and not chinese....the first question mark raised - regarding ian mill's adoptees and their given names etc etc....anyway, this morning - we're on 'sesame seeds' in relation to ali baba and the 40 thieves...."open sesame!"....the cave with the treasures in it....hmmmm....something to do with the nutrients etc etc?....additionally, i can remember mills giving the young rodway, a golden hamster - or somebody had done, at any rate....hmmm....remember how she had decided upon a reason as to why her first two 'adoptees' had dark eyes, hair, complexions?...apparently her father had found out that she had a syrian uncle and that supposedly explained it....not that williams was convinced....it was only when francesca came along that he etc etc..."at least that one looks like me!"..... anyway, i digress - RH was then given a golden hamster by sylvia and oscar was to build a wooden hutch for it, with a sliding perspex sheet, at the front...ingabot then accidentally killed it with that sheet...landed on top of its head....syrian golden hamsters....i begin to wonder now....and that is because this is the land of metaphor....lol...."a programmer's nightmare" replies BI online.....remember how sylvia had gone for that bassethound with a carving knife, in relation to its vocal cords?....remember boris labelling netanyahu as "the bassethound - is flying low" etc etc....oh and at that point in time, sylvia had been forced into an early menopause - after that operation.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....and what else, is coming up as part of the clump?...well, a little bird tells me that netanyahu's alma doll network is now being dismantled, in israel....their way of getting to grips with netanyahu, i suppose.....additionally we have the head of GCHQ coming up as part of the mix....and you're saying 'old soviet TV's are the backdrop to it all?....go figure:




hmmm...remember how rodway had been given that 'gill' doll....a bit of a voodoo number - that mills was to discover - having opened up the head.....and so naturally i begin to wonder about the syrian golden hamster....lol....let me guess, within a certain context - that is....who had golden hair etc etc...king david?

A sculpture made of hundreds of old Soviet era TV sets by Gintaras Karosas location: Europas Parkas, Lithuania

..oh and sharon had left a note about that magnified green number, to the left - see below....the mossad's nail:

and then we have the following...looking a bit 'cgi'....a bit nigel crossed with marr's ears?...not that i want to be intentionally insulting...i'm just throwing it out there - that's all:

oh and i can't remember if this is important or not....but anyway, something around that monty python joke....about a frenchman scornfully etc etc..."i fart in your general direction"...."your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries" etc etc:

"you empty animal food trough wiper!"

followed by maru claiming the new feeder as his own etc etc....as it goes, eh?

hmmm....an interesting box design and that's all i'm going to say about 'that':

apart from....nota bene the feeder is empty:

oh and in a very alternate dimension....could it be that japanese intelligence have come across an old soviet device and as a consequence, have found out how to produce the 'feed' etc etc:

and apparently they 'eat without fear', on cam

and 'head sumo' maru has the advantage of a big head?....hmmm....in the land of metaphor....i am reminded yet again of scarlett taking me into GCHQ and telling me that there was no point in me taking up a job in the maths department....because nobody had to do any work there - at all....they just sat around watching the feeder system and the print-outs because all the maths had been already done, in order to create the perfect ticker-tape-system.....lol....not quite...additionally, as far as i can see - more of an 'empty feeder' nowadays....as it goes, eh?

oh and to extend the metaphor....obviously this system isn't necessarily going to work for 'miri' and i am put in mind of what that bassethound had done - whilst back in the hunting pack at the breeders, during the summer holidays....apparently he used to stand and growl ferociously by the door of the hut, in order to create a bottle-neck situation inside...to then gobble the food, outside....along the lines of you would need three feeders because what if the two cats stood by two of them etc etc...not to mention hana getting a grip on the previous set of 3 feeders....in relation to using a claw up the chute etc etc...so much could go wrong, eh?....although i'm assuming that this new model is hana-proof etc etc....go figure:

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