Wednesday 9 October 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?....well, something that had seemed terribly funny, at the time - remember that british council prague party - 1995 etc etc....except that daldry had ended up crying, as a result....and it had been all about signals and signalmen, in a rather alternate dimension...regarding the evolution or devolution if you will....of a certain conundrum.....i.e. how it varied upon the system, let us say....anyway, as i was to say all ended up with er....'get-a-head-in-advertising'.....oh and nigel had figured that one should add a bit more...something around a-head-of-the-tracks compared to a-head-on-the-tracks....ergo - signalman on the tracks?....and so we can add a rather interesting addition to the whole problem and give it to bobby's mob et al....remember uncle bobby had worked in 'signals' upon cyprus etc etc....along the lines of what if you, personally were on the tracks - compared to 5 others etc etc...and you were all allowed to state your case...the 1 opposed to the 5 - regarding who would be saved from etc etc.....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...let me see...well, i received a letter from moorcroft telling me that in relation to what they are calling a 'dispute' at their end....they are putting my account on hold until the 5th of november...hmmm....isn't that bonfire night? it goes, eh?

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