Wednesday 28 August 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...ah, i see - confirmation of sorts, regarding that 'val-de-ruz' hiking number.....anyway, MI5 evans might like to know that i'm now trying out one of sylvia's recipes....steaming ray in the microwave....rather than trout....the latter has too much of an earthy bottom-feeder type of taste etc etc....oh and upon seeing the name tag 'ray' and asking mistakenly if that pinkish white skinned fish were a skate....the morrison's fishmonger grunted in affirmation....i never could tell the difference and so i suppose that he might not have done either....but is there a 'taste' difference? figure:

definitely bought a 'ray' - lol:

hmmm...ray fish, that's what this is all about, isn't it - evans....remember moore and his ray gun/laser pen etc etc...oh and come to think of it - whilst at no. 11 central maltings....sylvia had suffered a similar fate....which had resulted in her ringing me up to tell me that she had recently lost vision in one of her eyes....she had woken up one morning, to find out that there was a sort of 'black spider's web' in the corner of one of her eyes - not just a 'floater'....which had blotted out about a third of her vision...she had been to the doctor's about it and he had told her that it was just 'age' and nothing you could do about it....and so she wasn't worried...."these things happen when you get to my age"....well, actually - they don't....not if moore has you in his sights....which had been the case, at that point in time and yes, having reviewed the whole situation - i can now see what had happened........oh and the sight in my right eye has now almost recovered - although it has taken a year, i might add....see previous notes upon what moore had done to daldry, too - whilst at no. 8 etc etc.....anyway, are we back to mcdonald's massive asian seafood platter here....remember what had happened in thailand....that black mollusc type of shellfish - coded out as the mossad etc etc...because rodway had been 'in the mix' at the time, at the maltings....hmmm....something to do with kate golby/skate golby?....anyway, with its skin on - they're quite easy to differentiate....however, skinned - one has to check the bones and taste, to discern etc etc...wait a minute, i should have said cartilage which is raised...chunkier...a sort of collar-bone effect regarding the ray....go figure:

and upon that note...i think that we'd better have a look at something that potsy had acquired....skate or ray?

and that collarbone thing?....anyway, potsy had intoned "i am the skate because i skate over things, whilst...." moore was the 'ray':

foxx in soxx anybody? relation to cartilage repair....hmmm....reminds me of a swiss doctor who had been working on susan hill's type of cancer....once it had got to the spine, that is...however, once the cancer had been knocked on the head - the spinal cartilage or intervertebral discs, if you prefer - then had to be repaired....and a plate inserted etc etc.....and yes, he had had to wait for so many years, in order to get government funding...get through all of that 'red tape'....a rather 'top secret' research project, you might say......and that's all i'll say, for the time being...and yes, i'd met him at a hospital in interlaken - oscar had taken me there - the last time that we were to visit hanni at artos...and yes, remote-viewers can be invaluable upon that sort of a project - given the technical team involved - around at the time - can understand what is being relayed - by somebody who doesn't necessarily know the terminology etc etc...microscopic vision and all that:

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