Wednesday 21 August 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, a rather loose 'eye-of-the-storm' let us say....regarding the clacton airshow with a possible replay of 'crappy-in-clacton' etc etc?...."substitution package" replies BI relation to that rodway 'grab-with-both-hands' number....the levering and the grabbing....which i had once likened to one of those fairground know the type of thing i.e. the lever and the mechanical 'grab' that never appears to be able to pick anything up etc the less, one should be upon one's guard - regarding a once-in-a-blue-moon effect etc etc....go figure:

'what three words', anybody?

oh i remember now...brian losey had wanted a reminder of the following location - something to do with gill et relation to a new 'chap' who walks under belle court windows - at any time of the day or night...channelling all of the crazy stuff that gill used to etc etc....apparently he wants to be sectioned but mental health won't touch him....despite sounding like he is suffering from severe psycho-sis....go figure:

"a word in your shell-like"...a british expression that gill used to use....and one that losey had never heard of, refers to your ear....go figure:

and what is the 'collector station' labelled...the one that you can hardly see upon this map - down the side of belle court and adjacent to travelodge...demotioon-straddled-blossom anybody?...helen browne used to call me, amongst others 'blossom' sense younger's hand, here etc etc....go figure:

and the other squares?...let's have a brief look:

i'd told you that they're up to no good with that collector station...and yes, 'mr-psycho-sis' stands right next to the collector station whilst bellowing to those 'invisibles' apparently running him as an agent on the ground - that he cannot etc etc....anyway, 'daredevils' eh?....reminds me of 'red arrows/devils' and so i wonder what younger/moore 'n' psycho-SIS had been up to, here - then?....go figure:

remember gill's 'cucumber' gang - dazzlenation?...donna had once been part of it....a satellite job - see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....anyway, what if you were to wave a cucumber in front of mr-psycho-SIS outside of belle court frontdoor etc figure:

anyway, these two squares appear to have been younger's....and yes, a transmission indicates that he had chosen them to represent himself - whilst in dialogue with moore...outbursts/hidden/friday - anybody?

along with younger's attitude at the time, to moore - his replacement....which had been rather 'snappy' - a bit like a crocodile.....more laughter....oh and remember my nickname for moore?....'hissing sid'....anyway, younger had only ever seen moore's appointment as a bit of a 'glove puppet' for him to manipulate behind the scenes....go figure:

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