Monday 26 August 2024

 .....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?....well, if 'egg-salad-man' is supposed to be potsy - then it is all about his epic failure...."last stand" replies BI online.....on skid row, as marr had once etc etc.....prince of wales pond, anybody?...see previous post....anyway, the hell-mouth opened up and swallowed the lot...scientifically speaking - one of emet's 'black holes' did the trick....and with industrial efficiency....go figure:,0.01219,3a,15y,292.9h,91.13t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNvgwEPm4r0prLv6mi14-eWaHp5KGmqAayBqMI8!2e10!3e11!!7i11264!8i5632?coh=205409&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDgyMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

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