Wednesday 28 August 2024

 ...oh and morrison's site is now advertising a variation i.e. with a yellow stripe and bill.....oh i see what had happened there....this is all about potsy again....who had demanded that they change the design to incorporate that yellow 'touch'....remember his ashkenazim 'bananas' number etc etc...."making sure he got paid" replies BI online....for what?...a cut 'n' paste job that doesn't and there's more as there invariably is...something that MI5 evans 'n' whalley had found out about that au pair 'julianna' (late 60s, blackheath) short, she had been potsy's girlfriend of the time - a teenager, whilst he was probably in his early 20s....and so yes, that had been the first time that i had encountered him, as a small child...and i had been furious with julianna for her 'betrayal', let us say....anyway, i can remember evans going berserk in relation to what he had found out next, about the twenty-something that point in time - he had been experimenting with 'zyklon B gas'....which had given evans pause for then exclaim...."so he was a nazi, then?" investigation immediately ensued....oh and as children - potsy used to program us with 'memory dump' using 'fairy likud bubbles'....remember those circles-on-a-stick through which to blow bubbles?...he was to explain to julianna, on the heath...."it takes their memories away..." i.e. we were supposed to blow those rainbow-tinged bubbles all the wind carry them away etc etc...anyway, you see what i mean about the confusion going on, in british society...nazi-joo/jooish-nazi etc etc...and there's more - regarding what rodway had programmed oscar 'n' sylvia with, whilst at no. 6....and this goes back to my earliest recurrent dream of those 'flying seats' that i used to call 'honkases'....onkos...inga had made me put an 'h' in - as she was to do, with so many words....remember - i had spoken french before english and tended to drop my 'h's etc etc.....onkos - meaning bulk or mass in greek.....and relating to 'dark matter'....and oncology - the study of cancer etc short, the mossad were trying to program me, rather than sylvia with 'onkos' cancer-related blockages...despite not having cancer and in no danger of that type of event...oh and potsy had gone further....i can remember what had been on the screen, at the time...additionally, laura 'n' darwin had also joined in - regarding that 'fainting episode' let us say....which i had put down to e-coli poisoning.....severe stomach pain etc etc...and what else?...well, upon getting to know franco - he had laughed....that his 'sister' had been called 'julianna'....oh and gill was to have it out with her, in paris....what had she been up to, along with her family....they were to all intents and purposes a jooish-italian swiss family up to no good - regarding myself, gill et al....and so yes, they hadn't included gill within their circle of trust, let us say....go figure:

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