Friday 30 August 2024

 ....and what's new this friday evening, dazzlenation?...let me're on skynet...'nothing actually works anymore', i've just received a new comment....honestly i wonder why they bother, sometimes....what is the point etc etc....go figure:

....anyway, regarding that whole 02 nonsense and yes, i've had a couple more emails - asking me for the umpteenth time for my mobile many times have i supplied 'that one' etc etc and to no effect whatsoever....makes me wonder if anybody works at 02 complaints review anymore.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....additionally, they have also sent me yet another email telling me that they will disconnect my service if etc etc....nota bene they cut off their service upon the 17th of july they very well know....and so lying again....just how corrupt is that company etc etc....anyway, having remembered what rodway had done circa 1997....declared herself 'bankrupt'....remember williams' phone bill saga etc etc.....and well, i was to think that it would be a novel idea, to do the same....remember, tard-world views me as a 'limited company' upon their highly illegal system - to make money out of etc you see how it goes?

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