Thursday 29 August 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, first up - an update upon what had happened yesterday morning - after my early morning dip in the sea....later on, i was to visit morrison' encounter that  'tardy' assistant who had been programmed to meet rodway and then send her on her way, with travel tickets etc etc to turkey....and yes, another set-up/tard-attack which i neatly had to avoid with the help of another assistant and so yes, the danger it always does but not without causing me hurt and upset, let us say - at yet another needless attack..."pointless" replies BI online.....let me spell out the details, she had set me HSBC card didn't work in a particular self-service till (despite having been to the bank earlier on and printed off a statement - showing that i had more than enough money in my account to pay for considerably more than just etc etc)....anyway, i'd put all of my shopping through upon a 'card only' till' and so she was to print off the receipt...take it outside of the barrier (which opens if you have a receipt in your hand) and take that receipt to the tobacco counter, as she was to call it...whereupon she then told me that i could pay there and to pack up all of my shopping into my own bags - she then swiftly removed my trolley.....what a set-up, eh?...she then promptly the 'ID' around her neck, to her replacement assistant....i waited...until he came to ask me what was up...obviously i wasn't going to pack my shopping away into my bags and try to get through the barrier without a receipt....and so having explained it all swiftly to the new assistant - he told me that he would pass my shopping through to the tobacco counter assistant behind the barrier, to avoid setting off the alarm system by taking my shopping through them etc you see how it goes....every single day...another 'tardy-mossad- network' attack of some description....because that trip-to-turkey-rodway shitshow is still running...i.e. the program is still waiting to be activated........and i keep on appearing instead of rodway and mucking it all up for them....despite the fact that they all must presumably know that rodway/alma-doll isn't going to turn up and....perhaps, they're hoping for a replacement upon the system, to turn up instead - who knows, eh? can laugh at them but i am so sick of all of this etc etc....go figure.

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