Thursday 22 August 2024

 ....additionally, remember moore and his 'turtle-world'/man-without-a-face number at that blackheath address - dazzlenation?...a reference to pratchett and his 'morpork vs quirm' job.....explained to marr - in relation to the following 'zionist' context....quirm = worm.....wormy pork....remember that possible explanation - regarding why joos/muslims didn't eat pork in the desert?...enshrined it within their religions...."pork goes off quickest" replies BI online "something that nigella had disregarded"...oh and various transmissions suggest that houghton 'n' ramsay had been behind 'terry pratchett presents mrs bradshaw's handbook'...."the tearoom - holland"...really, that old fashioned tearoom was the programming location?....let me continue: ' to travelling upon the ankh-morpork & sto hygienic railway'.....with a sidelong glance at anagrams of 'ampersand'...go figure:

and what else?...well, tomlinson had based his entire satanic cult around CF's blood disorder - hadn't he?....go figure:

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